I think this is a GOOD SIGN for BMW. In years past BMW would ignore a lot of issues, blame faults on customers ... all kinds of Monkey Business and lots of B.S. to get out of paying for repairs or failed components.
But after several company wide shake-ups it seems BMW are being a lot more forth coming.
Trust me ... ALL companies have recalls. I think for the most part recall notices are initiated internally by the company ... not from outside agencies. It is NOT WISE policy to wait until the NTSB writes you up for violations or law suits are filed and then the PRESS get hold of the story. This happened to BMW plenty of times and they also paid A LOT in court cases.
Now, BMW are ahead of the curve. Doing recalls proactively. It's WIN WIN because it saves them money, saves customers and builds reputation.
I'd view it as a positive.
If me, I'd take FULL ADVANTAGE of the recall visit to bring up and have repaired or replace every single niggle you can find. Absolutely everything.
My old friend Ray would wait right before his 3 year (USA) warranty was about up, then visit BMW dealer and squirt a bit of oil on both shocks.
Result? New shocks front and rear for Ray's GS!