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View Poll Results: Should Britain leave the E.U. ?
Yes 109 50.00%
No 46 21.10%
No.. But things MUST change 38 17.43%
I don't care 14 6.42%
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Old 5 Jun 2016
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Ok an interesting debate but still short on truth.

"Switzerland has twice the GDP of the UK" um, I think not. Plus the usual stuff about regulation strangling business. Well not good business which protects customers and employees. I worked in a high risk business which was quite rightly heavily regulated, without that people die, simple as. Would a brexit government simply dump all of this over night anyway? I doubt it, for one that would close the door on selling our products to the largest market place.

Both sides are still using scare stories which does make an informed choice tricky. Despite what you may have thought from my previous posts I'm still undecided and in convinced by either side.
Old 5 Jun 2016
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GDP per capita Switzerland v Britain

GDP when viewed per capita is a much more significant figure.

GDP per capita 2015 Switzerland: $58,551.00 USD

GDP per capita 2015 Britain: $41,159.00 USD

"The usual stuff" your quote ....happens to require EU business to conform to EU specific regulations based on my research. Your - "without that (heavy EU regulations) people die" might be true - but, respectfully sounds like a industry specific scare tactic. It seems to me the industry - except the illegal drug business - will regulate itself if it's product or services are killing people. Unless, of course you are speaking of the military industrial complex?

Swizerland does have the highest quality of life in the world.... five times the exports of Britain, twice the GDP per capita of Britain - well almost ... I concede:
Switzerland's GDP per capita of $58,551.00 is not twice that of Britain's GDP per capita of $41,159.00. But it is much greater which is the point.

The speaker was referring to UK statistics although the discussion was generally about Britain. Correct me if you can.

UPDATE: I just found more recent stats: Switzerland per capita GDP $85,616.6 USD and UK per capita GDP $46,297.0
the speaker was very close to being correct Switzerland's per capita GDP is "twice that of Britain" very close to twice that of Britain/UK. http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD


Last edited by xfiltrate; 5 Jun 2016 at 15:03.
Old 5 Jun 2016
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Thanks xfiltrate, but I'm not about to spend almost an hour watching a video, even if it's for Leave.

Hows about you post a short executive summary to save us all the time?

I wouldn't agree that Switzerland has the highest quality of life, Australia and Sweden are judged to be better.

And the GDP-PC ratings depend where you look. Your initial IMF version of lies... has Switzerland at just 9th place
9th Switzerland $58,551
25th UK $41,149

However, despite being the 5th largest world economy, the UK lags behind many of the 28 EU countries on GDP-PC, including Luxembourg, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Belgium and France.

Is that because we have a preponderance of lowly paid jobs filled by economic migrants? So much for the UK would collapse without EU migration.
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Old 5 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by Tim Cullis View Post
Is that because we have a preponderance of lowly paid jobs filled by economic migrants? So much for the UK would collapse without EU migration.
Good point Tim. Our people don't want the lower paid jobs. Somehow they think it's better to be unemployed than to work for a minimum wage and then when foreign nationals come in to do those jobs the locals complain that 'these foreigners keep coming over 'ere and taking all our jobs'.

I do keep coming back to this thread, mostly out of amusement provided by a small number of posters who think they know it all....yet know nothing (or pretty close to nothing) in reality.
Old 5 Jun 2016
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Please respond

according to this erudite study:
Quality of Life Index by Country 2016

Switzerland beats out all other countries in the quality of life index. It ranks #1
and until you can post a study of comparable magnitude I will consider myself correct and you wrong. Your "study" is more of a newspaper article.

I did not claim, nor does the video that Swizerland ranked more than ninth place per capita gnp - only that it's per capita gnp was greater than that of the UK. If you want to refute my argument, please refute my argument and not claims I or the video have never made.

You have eluded to and the post following yours by ChrisFS really nails the essence of the video you have not the time to watch. What a shame. The video claims the real issue regarding Britain leaving the EU is that leaving the EU is necessary to protect herself from unwanted immigration. As quoted from the video and a recent study... 70 plus percent of Britain's population wants less immigration and 50 plus per cent want a lot less immigration.

Many EU countries are waving the immigrants through to the EU "welfare state" countries. Countries that provide more benefits for immigrants.

FYI, I agree whole heartedly with you, Tim, the UK would not collapse
without EU immigration and this point is made in spades in the video I posted.

FYI1, Of the tens of thousands of recent immigrants to Sweden, only 350 or so have found documented / taxable jobs. Watch video for exact numbers.

How about a statistic describing the recent immigration to UK?

What the video suggests is a slow down of immigration so those already immigrated to the UK have time to enculturate and find jobs. And of course, it wants Britain to exit the EU.

Another question raised is if the two cultures are compatible?

Considering the majority of posts I have studied on this thread, the video might be well worth your time or I would not have posted it, even as entertainment as ChrisFS seems to view this thread.

Old 5 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by xfiltrate View Post
Considering the majority of posts I have studied on this thread, the video might be well worth your time or I would not have posted it, even as entertainment as ChrisFS seems to view this thread.

The origin of the thread itself is not necessarily entertaining to me, it's the comments from self-appointed 'experts' that entertains me. Honestly, some people are like a Rottweiler with a bone when another person has the audacity to disagree with them
Old 5 Jun 2016
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Some expert opinion, imho:

John Major: NHS at risk from Brexit 'pythons' Johnson and Gove

John Major: NHS at risk from Brexit 'pythons' Johnson and Gove | Politics | The Guardian

Apologies for quoting from the Guardian again. Its app is still free and readable offline, non-Murdoch owned and uses big words that are beyond the average Sun/Mail/Express reader.

And no mentions by the hubb "expert" of CIA balloons/tunnels in the Sahara, UFOs nor multiple copy/pastes of US DMV regulations in sight.

Old 5 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by chris View Post
Some expert opinion, imho:

John Major: NHS at risk from Brexit 'pythons' Johnson and Gove

John Major: NHS at risk from Brexit 'pythons' Johnson and Gove | Politics | The Guardian

Apologies for quoting from the Guardian again. Its app is still free and readable offline, non-Murdoch owned and uses big words that are beyond the average Sun/Mail/Express reader.

And no mentions by the hubb "expert" of CIA balloons/tunnels in the Sahara, UFOs nor multiple copy/pastes of US DMV regulations in sight.
Anything that involves Boris makes me sceptical. He is a Grade 1 buffoon
Old 5 Jun 2016
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And Farage says the imigrants want us wimmin

Can't we build some sort of wall round Westminster and Brussels and the LSE and various Cambridge campus' and public schools and leave them all to it.

Did you know the EU makes you more attractive and will result in you drinking coffee with a supermodel? Also, if we don't leave our teeth will fall out. Or maybe thats just next weeks scare stories?

At least out will upset the useless elite *******ds more because most of them want their snouts in another trough.

Old 5 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by xfiltrate View Post
GDP when viewed per capita is a much more significant figure.

GDP per capita 2015 Switzerland: $58,551.00 USD

GDP per capita 2015 Britain: $41,159.00 USD

"The usual stuff" your quote ....happens to require EU business to conform to EU specific regulations based on my research. Your - "without that (heavy EU regulations) people die" might be true - but, respectfully sounds like a industry specific scare tactic. It seems to me the industry - except the illegal drug business - will regulate itself if it's product or services are killing people. Unless, of course you are speaking of the military industrial complex?

Swizerland does have the highest quality of life in the world.... five times the exports of Britain, twice the GDP per capita of Britain - well almost ... I concede:
Switzerland's GDP per capita of $58,551.00 is not twice that of Britain's GDP per capita of $41,159.00. But it is much greater which is the point.

The speaker was referring to UK statistics although the discussion was generally about Britain. Correct me if you can.

UPDATE: I just found more recent stats: Switzerland per capita GDP $85,616.6 USD and UK per capita /url]

I assume he deliberately decided to not qualify the GDP per capita ( I knew and agree with your numbers) but he stated that Switzerland has double the GDP of the UK in order to strengthen his position. Hence my post about each side at best distorting facts, at worst simply deliberately lying.
Did he distort, mislead or lie?

It's no surprise that Switzerland has a higher per capita GDP but that (to me) doesn't sell the dream that they and therefore we would be better off out.

My point about regulation is that large and small business needs to be regulated if only to protect the public and customers, remember a lot of businesses operating in the UK are from countries that place little value on human life and a lot on the bottom line. A brexit government can't / won't allow a free for all. If you're an employee (I'm not so have no axe to grind) be careful what you wish for:-)
A well run business has nothing to fear from regulation.
Old 5 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by ChrisFS View Post
Anything that involves Boris makes me sceptical. He is a Grade 1 buffoon
That's how I used to regard him an amusing buffoon who was inconsequential to me.

Unfortunately he's a smart buffoon who knows very well how to play to his audience, hence my morons messiah name for him.

He and his ilk no matter what side they are on are scary people.

I've had the "pleasure" of dealing face to face with some Westminster politicians. Ok a small sample, and I really hope there is an exception to this rule, but they have all been deeply unpleasant individuals. Narcissistic, egotistical sociopathic twats.
Old 5 Jun 2016
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Originally Posted by RussG View Post
Politicians......deeply unpleasant individuals. Narcissistic, egotistical sociopathic twats.
Perhaps this should be included in the next revised dictionary!!
Old 5 Jun 2016
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Are we having fun yet?

Geez Chris, my hot air balloons comments had little to do with the CIA, and were only attempts to provide an explanation as to why the "tracks"/ footprints of the bad guys in desert sands just ended with no bad guys in sight. Up, Up and Away!

But enough, I was banished to the Hub Pub from the desert region for having strange ideas/comments and since I am already in the Hub Pub and have no desire to be banished from here, for I have great uncertainty as to what would lie ahead.... let's continue with the topic at hand.

RussG, two very good points, the speaker probably did tilt it a little regarding the per capita gnp, but the point was logically made - and excellent point regarding regulation - I had not thought of it as regulating the "others" only that the Brits were being needlessly saddled with regulations when not exporting their own goods. Good points all.

Chris, the Guardian has yet to contact me, but if you keep promoting me, they might.

Old 5 Jun 2016
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The video

Originally Posted by xfiltrate View Post
This is post #900 of this thread, Should Britian leave the EU? I have noted that many recent posts are not addressing the topic, but addressing each other - in comradship or in the alternative.

If one cares to hear some facts that are statistically significant, please visit or revisit post #880 of this thread - one day ago.... Click on the link- watch and learn....

I have watched your video and thanks for taking the time to post your link.
Of course, it is not necessary to "watch" but to listen, it being a dialogue between two people with a specific viewpoint.

A consistent viewpoint is taken over about 56 minutes which covers virtually everything that has been posted in here since January this year.
A few very recent issues are mentioned toward the end, it being made on 2 June, but otherwise the material has been covered in here.
So, there is the summary for anyone who doesn't wish to open the link.

My own summary is:
Each of us has one vote on 23 June and a very rare offer to undertake democracy in this country - a democracy that transcends party politics and all other forms of club-card loyalty to which we usually adhere, in complete contrast to the normal, run-of-the-mill representative form of democracy which is neither representative nor democratic.

Best not to pass up the opportunity, although I still suspect that the event of 23 June is just the start of a much longer process across the whole of the UK and across the whole of Europe.

Incidentally, I have a relative who has worked and lived in Switzerland for more than 30 years; the attributes accorded to that country in the video are accurate in my opinion (I last visited there in March this year).
Old 6 Jun 2016
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Further to the video

Swiss democracy, today.
Switzerland rejects proposals for unconditional basic income by overwhelming majority | Europe | News | The Independent

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
Labour considering backing universal basic income as official party policy | UK Politics | News | The Independent
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