Originally Posted by beyondlimits
I agree with South Korea. Japan is also famous for free/cheap campsites.
My recent experience in japan is that paid camping is very very seasonal and not cheap in general.
You can free camp in a vehicle at roadside stations (Michi no Eki) and you can tent camp if you ask in rural areas.
You can free camp generally in rural parks as long as you are discreet (set up late and pack early). If you don’t speak Japanese make a small card up using translate app’s explaining what you want to do and show that to anyone nearby.
I have rarely had any issues doing this - the many older women can be a bit miserable at anyone doing something different.
I had a mate who woke up very early while sleeping in a tent in a park and saw a security guard sitting nearby. Couple hours later (6.30ish) he got up and the guard just said hello and that was that.
I spent some time once the borders reopened in October 22 and many Japanese were very wary of foreigners. It should return to normal though.
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