Disease warning
In one of our well- known riding magazines, an article caught my eye. This rider had just recovered from an encounter with a disease ( starts with the letter L and is a very long!) that was traced to a cattle truck hauling cattle, that he had overtaken while on a trip on his motorcycle. As we know cattle urinate in truck trailers while being transported ( wouldn’t you!). Some of the urine is blown even in minute globules, towards the vehicle behind and lands on it and/or the rider. The disease enters the rider’s body via the nose and/or throat. It took this person at least six months to recover. From memory the article didn’t mention if there were any long-term complications. Make sure you stay well back (if possible)before overtaking and shut your visor completely if your lid has one. As if we don’t have enough to contend with on the roads as it is!! True story.