Stay away from Newport on a Friday and Saturday evenings, hairy stuff.
Eastern europe is a doddle.
Route, depends how much time you have, motorways or side roads.
I'd go, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece. Bypassing stops in all western eu countries and stopping in Budapest and Belgrade for a visit. Then from Belgrade to Greece, Macedonia Greece border is about 6hrs from memory maybe less.
If you're in a rush, I've done Calais to Belgrade in 18 hrs but that was going some.
You could go Italy follow coast through to Croatia, stop in at Rovinj, beautiful town. Head up to Zagreb follow on through Serbia, stop at Belgrade, then off to Greece through Macedonia..Serbia is very very safe for kids..
You can walk through the middle of Belgrade town centre late evenings no problem with your family...
If its August time, most borders will be busy.
Depends weather you're the typical tick box brit or like to experience different cultures.. Eastern block countries are a bit gritty but all the better for it...
P.s. forgot to add, don't forget your Vignettes.
Last edited by nickpl; 23 May 2017 at 20:26.