TIPS while traveling with your cycling equipment
There are many places we can ride, competitions and events we might go on the future so, here are some useful tips for those times you need to travel with your bike equipment:
Pack your bike in a case
It's worth the investment - bike cases will cost anywhere from $50 - $500, if you don't plan on traveling a lot with your bike, get a basic case. Cases examples here
Research transportation services
Getting to and from the airport can be an adventure in itself! If you have a large bike box, it may be helpful to book a private transportation service.
Check baggage requirements
Here is a short list of airlines, and their fees for bringing a bike:
American Airlines - $150
Air Canada - $50
United Airlines - $150
[Tim: edited to include cycling in title]
Last edited by Tim Cullis; 4 Apr 2016 at 13:01.