Meeting this question several times each month so I guess will be better to explain here in details as a general information for all.
This information is valid for turkey and iran together.
Officially you can not leave the country without your vehicle..
In Turkey your bike is stamped on your passport page, in Iran on the carnet and forms you will fill..
Let me explain how they do it in irregular and unlegal ways.
Land,sea, air bordergates are not connected to each other with online computer program system so ins and outs in each bordergate are checked once in every six month period....Seems this makes it possible to leave the country in the other way than you enter..
Those who have done it, enter the country by land bordergate on vehicle, park at a safe place, leave the country by air,fly back again, then leave the country by vehicle via another land bordergate..
But after the checking time, fines will be on number plate and country which you will get by your ministry later (generally it takes 2-3 years) and you will be unable to enter again without paying your fines..
In turkey, payment of fines during your following entrance is ok to enter again and the only problem step you will meet but in iran you will be also questioned together with the local who keeps it.....
If you must leave Turkey without your vehicle for a while, you must fill an application form,apply a customs management,(available in all cities)park the vehicle at a place that they will tell you and get a written permission.
It will be valid for 1 month and you will have to extend it before the time expires.
For Iran, didnt hear anyone has done it in official ways since so many years, but also heard some friends have done in irregular ways.Also must be multiple visa..
So I always recommend to leave their bikes in greece or bulgaria and currently several friends here doing it in the same legal way...
Thanks go to Richard NL. for confirming a safe underground garage in Athens,
Tech Auto-Moto Park
Filolaou 88-90
116 33 Athene GRC
N 37˙57.849
Phone (0030) 2107019181
Mobil (0030) 6932915500
Price €35 month
Poly,Doug and Ivo for making it possible in Bulgaria..
Welcome to |
This is the legal system on the ground and
for those who may need, below is the application form in Turkish to make the application and in english for your information..
All the best and big selams....
EK: 6
…………………tarihinde ……………………Gümrük Müdürlüğünden yurda sokmuş olduğum ve ……………………..tarihine kadar yurtta kalma süresi bulunan aracımı, mazeretimden dolayı yurtdışına çıkma mecburiyetinde olduğum için idarenize geçici olarak bırakmak istiyorum.
Aracımı, yurtta kalma süresinin bitimini müteakip Gümrük Yönetmeliğinde belirlenen bir aylık sürenin sonu olan ……………………….tarihine kadar yurtdışı etmediğim veya teslim almadığım veya ek süre talebinde bulunmadığım takdirde kendi irade ve arzumla Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletine terk etmiş sayacağımı ve hiçbir hak talep etmeyeceğimi beyan ve imza ederim.../../20..
Geçici Bırakanın
Adı ve Soyadı
Türkiye’deki adresi :
Telefon no :
Yurtdışındaki adresi :
Telefon no :
GSM no :
e-mail adresi :
Annex- 6
Since I am obliged to leave my country on the pretext of my personal excuse, I herewith wish to temporarily to your Administration my car which, on the date……………., was introduced into the country through the gate of………………….Customs Directorate and granted with the permission for staying in the country till the date……………….
I herewith declare and affix below my signature that if I, till the date……………..which is the end of one month time period stipulated by the Customs Regulation, fail to take my car out of country or take delivery of it or request an additional time period, I will consider that this car would have been deserted to the Government of Turkish Republic with my free will and intention and accordingly I will submit any claims and demands in this regard.
Name,Surname and signature of Person
In Turkey adress :
Phone no :
Abroad address :
Phone no :
And this is the writing you will get at the end of paperwork.
It’s approved to permit the relevant person’s exit abroad without considering “The vehicle seal” existing on his
passport during exit abroad
The Title and the Signature of the Authority