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Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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Old 10 Mar 2011
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Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* View Post
Thank you for you opinion... I'll be more careful in the future so not to encourage assumptions.
Peace - we all ride, we're mostly of a similar mindset. Welcome home.
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Old 12 Mar 2011
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Things may have changed but we went travelling for a year, leaving our jobs and selling our house etc. We are British origin and had been working, paying tax and NI for 15 years. When we returned my wife was pregnant. When she went to the doctor she was told that as she had not been paying NI for at least 13 weeks in the previous year we weren't enrtitled to treatment on the NHS.

Our somewhat unreasonable response was to question what would happen if we were foreign nationals just got off the boat - the answer of course was that we would have been entitled to free tratment from the NHS as it would infringe our human rights not to do so.
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Old 8 Jan 2012
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Option: driving a tour coach around Europe

One thing that is important (to me) is that life should be interesting. It's kind of sad to hear people who don't like what they do and just want to get away from it. My feeling is that what you do, your job, or your career or your lifestyle, however you want to put it, doesn't have to be rigid and it can change, you're the only one to change it.

I like to dabble in this and that, try a night course here and there, learn something new, meet new people I wouldn't meet without some effort. Certainly, touring on the bike is great. If I can make my day where I live, my day to day more interesting, that's what I want.

I used to work in engineering but I hated it - being in an office with people who didn't inspire me. You know when something is wrong. We're so smart that we fool ourselves so convincingly.

I quit that and dabbled. I was a bicycle courier, a bicycle mechanic, I volunteered minding little kids and then I got a certificate to teach English which I did in Spain for a year. I met lovely people who I volunteered with and also in teaching. I wanted to get better talking to groups, and I did.
These were very rewarding, they changed me and although I made little money, I went from feeling like curdled milk to a jug of cream.

For the last three Europe Summer seasons (6 months or so), I've been driving a tour coach. For the moment, that does it for me. It gives me huge flexibility, money, interesting enough work and it's something new.
Everyone has special talents, although a school wll happily give you a D or a B and tell you you that's who you are, now go work in something you have no interest in. Ok, that's bleak. Avoid that!

I've posted the following in 2 other spots on here but I think here it is valid and may spawn a few ideas.

Ok! Here's the post I posted originally:

I just thought I'd throw an idea at you as I know it's hard finding a job, quiting, saving money and going round and round.

For the last three years I have been driving a coach around Europe for 6 months of the year. I can save plenty as I've no expenses almost (no car, no rent, food and accommodation is paid, etc.)

If you don't want to drive but you'd love to be a tour guide, well it's in the same industry but I'll talk mainly about driving coaches here.

It's my choice when I go back to work and when I end. Basically, every tour I do is a contract. It's been guaranteed work and money saving and the job is interesting, I meet lots of people and drive all around Europe.
Driving a coach up and down the same road every day wouldn't be for me but it's quite interesting when you're on tour for from 2 to 7 weeks.
It's not practical if you are in a relationship as you'll be away all the time (although this depends on the company - there are many that do day tours).

What does it take? Get a driving license to drive a bus! I took about 13 hours of lessons and passed my test first time.

Some companies DO hire drivers with little or no experience driving coaches. How? They either start you off in a smaller vehicle - like a 16-seater or like where I work, Topdeck Travel, they train you to drive as they need you to drive - safely and knowledgably and train you on the routes.

There are many other companies you will find if you dig in the internet.
There's Topdeck, Contiki, Tucan and a plethora of oher companies. Topdeck and Contiki are for young passengers (18 to 30-something) so if that's not your bag you can look at any other company.

The company I'm with is based in London, however, as a driver, I stay on the mainland, in a quiet town in Holland between tours for a couple of days, which suits me fine.

Funnily, I'm posting on here because I am a biker and in fact, most of the other drivers also ride, so I think this may appeal to many of you.
If it sounds appealing, get your license. There are many companies, believe it or not, are regularly in need of drivers. For some you can work year round, usually with about 2/3 or less work over the winter but that's when you'll be on your bike anyway.

Driving is a professional job and no surprise, professionalism is part of it.
I enjoy my job, it can be hard work but I like it and it's interesting.
Tell me what you think and if you have questions message me or post your reply.

With who I work for, driving in Europe, you need to be an EU citizen and have the EU driving license.

Happy searching!
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Old 8 Jan 2012
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This sounds great!

How much did it cost to get the license and how much do you earn when driving on a tour?

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Old 13 Dec 2013
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Well hello folks, I need some help/encouragement. I'm living in paradise (Brisbane) with a job I love and Im making good money. I have sacrificed ALOT to get a decent RTW fund, by shift working 60hrs for the last 2yrs, living in a rusty camper van on the side of road illegally in 35C degree heat with no air con or lights or flushing toilet and I have had no fridge for the last 2yrs. Im fairly introverted so sacrificing a plush existence hasn't been to hard really. I save all my wages for my RTW fund and have been looking forward to it. but life has sucked mostly.

Now the time has come for me to sell my toys and hand in my notice at a job I love and ride into the sunset on my DR650 and blow 2yrs of sacrifices!!?

Its really hard to do. When I know I could rent a sweet pad with air con buy a real trail bike keep my other bikes and maybe even start dating(haven't kissed a girl in SOO long haha) maybe spend some money on having fun like normal people do?

I could live a plush life in this city, instead Im moving out of my shitty campervan and onto my bike and tent to eat beans and rice while trying to ride around the world on my own. Am I crazy? I don't have any social skills to speak of or friends that don't think I'm completely crazy for doing this. I will be doing this the hard way rather than put others out or ask for help which is the only way I know how. I am certainly no Antihero or Radioman.

I have promised myself I would quit work in January and go for so long. Now the time has come I want to put it off for 6 months and have a break from scrimping saving.?? Im 35 single with money in the bank Im ready to go but Im so tired from scrimping and saving.

Should I put Super Shanes RTW adventure off for a while??
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Old 14 Dec 2013
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Stop second guessing things and just go Shane

You can plan until you drop and it will never happen until you get a Calendar and pick the all improtant start date

I also live in Brisbane (on the Northside) and our plans are finally coming together to get out of here

Send me a PM with your contact mobile number and we can catch up to talk travel stuff, or even better send out a msg to the Brisbane Community for a ride/coffee meetup

Feb 2014, currently travelling the America's on a Tiger 800XC

Live every day like it's your last, one day you'll get it right!!!
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Old 25 Oct 2014
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In answer to the question "giving up work" this I've always found very easy. Just say thanks and good by and close the door. Easy. Skip
Do the best you can with what you have,
A stranger in a strange land now heading North South East West to.....
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Old 17 Nov 2014
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Hi, i like to tell you that life is to short and future is not projectable.i worked in so many different Job, in some i made career,but always i travelled , by bike, Land Rover,motorbike.trips from 1 month to 1 Year , sometimes the companies agree to my off time, sometimes, at thats where the most, they Tell me to quit, what i did..i am nearly 50 now, and i dont miss any of the jobs i had, and i loved some jobs.i worked as paramedic and i realised, life can be a single moment, a second,or even over in a minute.
My recent situation is that i am insolvence and i have to pay Money back the next 5 years.but still with a little income now, i safe money every day,every month,to plan a new trip, which given me the power and strengh to hold out the situation.If you have a few skills you will find jobs everywhere, as a german like me or even with european Backgrounds there is always work in Afrika or Asia ,so why not quit, where you live, start your trip, and find any work ,somewhere and continue.
I know a german Land Rover driver, who was 8 years on the Road, he saved i think it was 50.000€ for this time.after his trip he wrote a book, and just now he's back on the road with his girlfriend on motorbikes, saying hello to me from China.dont look to much about money , career, Safety .in the big stock crash my father lost so much money, that he now lives from a small pension.unhappy and serious ill.Dont plan to much, not to far,money is something,but all the moments while you travell will be in your mind and Heart.there is no safety in life,work your ideas, and just Start.
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Old 17 Nov 2014
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Originally Posted by tincanbay View Post
Hi, i like to tell you that life is to short and future is not projectable.i worked in so many different Job, in some i made career,but always i travelled , by bike, Land Rover,motorbike.trips from 1 month to 1 Year , sometimes the companies agree to my off time, sometimes, at thats where the most, they Tell me to quit, what i did..i am nearly 50 now, and i dont miss any of the jobs i had, and i loved some jobs.i worked as paramedic and i realised, life can be a single moment, a second,or even over in a minute.
My recent situation is that i am insolvence and i have to pay Money back the next 5 years.but still with a little income now, i safe money every day,every month,to plan a new trip, which given me the power and strengh to hold out the situation.If you have a few skills you will find jobs everywhere, as a german like me or even with european Backgrounds there is always work in Afrika or Asia ,so why not quit, where you live, start your trip, and find any work ,somewhere and continue.
I know a german Land Rover driver, who was 8 years on the Road, he saved i think it was 50.000€ for this time.after his trip he wrote a book, and just now he's back on the road with his girlfriend on motorbikes, saying hello to me from China.dont look to much about money , career, Safety .in the big stock crash my father lost so much money, that he now lives from a small pension.unhappy and serious ill.Dont plan to much, not to far,money is something,but all the moments while you travell will be in your mind and Heart.there is no safety in life,work your ideas, and just Start.
Well said
Did some trips.
Rode some bikes.
Fix them for a living.
Can't say anymore.
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Old 19 Nov 2014
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Quit my job to travel. Spend 6 years working there and now I had to go for a wedding to USA. Could not get 1 extra day which I needed because of the flights. That set me up so much. I said.. well, that means I quit. Suddenly a lot more options came forward but I made my mind. I think (have to prove it when I get back) that if you have half a brain and are willing to work, you always can (Netherlands I live). So.. quit my job and we'll see when we get back!
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