a little more story
so my reason for hoping to travel to panama and back soon, is that my cousin, great riding buddy had his trip from tx to panama all planned out feb 22. he took off from tx with a buddy that was a loose friend. they got to the guatamala border and were turned around for what sounds like buddy either not having an original registration or having a homemade "fake" covid vaccination card? either way they turned around and were making a plan. they got to some hotel that night somewhere around veracruz, my cousin never woke up that next morning. he died of a heart attack in that hotel. this would have been his final stretch to have ridden the americas in his lifetime. i now have a very small urn of his ashes, and need to take him as close to the darien as i can to spread a little of him. hence completing his prudhoe to ushuia life goal. he was always a harley guy for as long as i can remember. but in january of 2010 i invited him to ride baja with me and a few friends (see "palapa chair" advrider) this was with a weeks notice. he bought a bmw 650gs and way overloaded met us in salida colorado and did his first adventure ride down baja and back. since then, he traded out for a 800gsa and has taken several guided tours everywhere around the world (he only needed the road of bones section to complete rtw, which he had paid for guided tour in 2020 that covid shut down). i was very excited that i was now a serious ridding buddy to my older cousin.
so all that said. i am not much of a planner, more of a doer. deal with it as it comes. with of course as much do dilligance as i can figure out. see grahm fields books. but, i have this dirrection in my heart at this point. and with most of the U.S. complete. this would be another section on my N. - S. americas trip of my own. work and family are always hard to get in the correct spot for any big adventures at this time in my life. but work is missing for a bit, and my x-wife is taking 6yo daughter to hawaii for spring break and has ok'ed an extended travel for me (can't believe im still dealing with that lady). so now seems to be as good a time as i will likely find for a while? like i said, not much of a planner. but i got new tires on the 1090, since my 4 months trip to the north and back i have a good idea of what goes where on the bike. just need to do a quick oil change and im good to go.
so that is just a little more background so that catcat will understand a little more who i am, and that i would probably be the one waiting....
love you guys!
P.S. i can never remember how to post pics on these sites. so the smugmug link above should get you to a proud moment. and possibly a little trail to an amazing travel time in my life.