Argentina to Arizona Jan-May 2014
Wanted: Any videographer who can shoot good quality 5 minute shorts and post on a YouTube private channel is welcome to ride our route, with us, or meet up with us daily or every other day .... for the purpose of shooting, editing and posting daily/weekly vignettes for a university level course/research.
Exchange will be a small, negotiable fee plus some travel expenses.
We will be camping most nights. Deviation of route will be considered, but we have a commitment to be in Arizona second week in May 2014.
We (male and female) will be departing Buenos Aires on two Honda NX400 Falcons on or about January 20, 2014. Project is very interesting with potential of future travel.
Any videographer, with vehicle or motorcycle, is welcome to contact us via this thread or PM.
xfiltrate and rosa del desierto