Colombia Ecuador Peru
Riding through Colombia has been the proudest thing that I have done so far on this entire trip which started out in St. John´s , Newfoundland, Canada!!This ride has included 7 Canadian provinces, 38 United States, 70 % of Mexico, and each of the Central American countries.
I arrived by ship from Panama to Santa Marta 7 weeks ago. I spent 5 weeks relaxing , swimming, scuba diving and riding without incident all the way to the fronterra with Ecuador.
The scenery is incredibly beautiful and the people are wonerful. Many times I was touched by the words ¨Thankyou for having confidence in Colombia¨
I crossed the fronterra with Ecuador nine days ago. It took me about 45 minutes to check out of Colombia and check into Ecuador. Go first thing in the morning.
I am now in Quito. After changing both tires, oil and filter, I am now heading to the coast. In Guayaquil, I will catch a flight to the Galapogas for some more diving.
I will be heading to Peru in mid-January. Anyone interested in joining me as far as Lima or Cuzco?