EuropeAsian2010--Spain to Japan-Vincent Malpica and friends.
My name is Vincent Malpica and I am from Spain.
Some years ago, 2002-2003-2004 I went to Canadá, Alaska and Usa and I done it with my motorcycle.
Now, I and my 3 friends, we are planning with motorcycles we will go to Japan from Spain. euroasia2010.
25.000 kms. and 3 mounths.
We will go to begin about 20 of May of 2010.
This trip is very interesting, becouse we will do one history about last Samurais-Japannese, one trip than the old Samurais they done many years ago. Trip refer hitory.
I send you our web page:
Euroasia 2010
And my web pages are:
Flickr: vicente-malpica's Photostream
YouTube - vicentemalpica's Channel
Vicente Malpica
If anybody to want to know information about my last trip Nortamerica you can to speak me, and I can to say you or your about some history and problem and ...more of nortamerica. I staded there near 3 years, work, driving, walkings national parks......uffff difficult life , the life.
jajajaja, but ok too.
And, If you and your can to help us about our next big big trip to Japan, thanks for you help.
Have a little sponsor, but we are need more, .
Hugggsssss, and Thanks Grant Johnson and wife.
Quizás a veces cueste trabajo, pero si lo Pienso y lo Siento, me lo creo y, y entonces ocurre.....
La vida es fácil, es sólo crear, no hay nada distinto a nosotros, somos todo a la vez y, es curioso, parece que todo es distinto jajajajaja.