I am presently riding my Triumph Tiger 800XC around the World, and have so far completed N America, Australia & NZ, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.
cnbworldtour | Riding around the World on a Triumph Tiger
Not wanting to fly my bike now I am back on dry land, I have finally managed to organise a reliable tour guide, leading car and a supervisor from the Ministry of Hotels & Tourism to take me across Burma from Myawaddy to Tamu.
However, the only problem is the price, and to reduce it I need to find at least 4 other riders to do it with me. If you are interested, please read on!
1. Price will be $1,674 USD per person (minimum 5 riders), paid cash on arrival into Burma. This will include everything except for fuel. It will include permission & royalty fees to the Ministry of Tourism, leading escort car fees, all accommodation & catering fees (breakfast, lunch, dinner and tea breaks), third party liability insurance, temporary importation & driving licence fees, tour guide and entrance for all sightseeing tours. I’m aware there are people offering cheaper trips, but I know this guy has been successful and I think the trip sounds awesome.
2. Tour will last 9 days/ 8 nights and include major tourist attractions along the way. Itinerary below:
D-1, Myawaddy to Kyaiktiyo Pagoda (well-known Buddhist pilgrimage site with a gravity-defying granite boulder covered with gold leaves, precariously perched on a ‘strand of the Buddha's hair’). Leg is 270 km (30 km of poor roads), ride time approx 7 to 8 hours. Night in mountain top hotel.
D-2, Kyaiktiyo Pagoda to Taungoo. Leg is 280km, roads are good, ride time 6 to 7 hrs. Night in hotel.
D-3, Taungoo to Mandalay. Leg is 370 km, roads are good, ride time 8hrs. Night in hotel.
D-4, Mandalay – full day sightseeing tour (includes mini bus for the whole day). Night in hotel.
D-5, Mandalay to Bagan (ancient city of 11 AD, full of things to be seen). Evening sightseeing tour. Night in hotel.
D-6, Bagan - full day sightseeing tour on ‘e-motorbikes’. Night in hotel.
D-7, Bagan to Monywa. Leg is 120 kms, ride time 2.5 hrs. Evening sightseeing tour to the highest Buddha statue in the world. Night in hotel.
D-8, Monywa to Kale. Leg is 230 kms (80 km poor roads), ride time up to 10 hrs. Night in hotel.
D-9, Kale to Tamu. Leg is 160 km, good roads, ride time 3.5 hrs. Cross Indian border into Moreh.
3. Not many people have successfully travelled across Burma from Thailand into India, so we will be making history! (kind of…)
4. All ride times are conservative & will of course depend on us!
5. A Carnet de Passage is not required in Thailand or Burma, but it is essential in India. Third Party Insurance is also compulsory in India (contact Western Indian Automobile Association
WIAA-Motor Insurance ). For those without their own bike an option could be to buy a cheap one in Thailand or Malaysia and leave it at the Indian border (maybe sell it?), unless you can get a Carnet for it.
6. My contact successfully recently led the group of Thais across and a couple of car convoys. He will meet us at Myawaddy and has contacts on the Indian border to aid our crossing. Relaxations in travel across Manipur and Nagaland (India) mean we can ride straight in on arrival.
7. Car drivers are also welcome – the more the merrier!
8. Aimed start date into Myawaddy from Mae Sot is 11 Feb. We could all meet in Chiang Mai around 9 Feb.
I really hope I find enough people as this trip sounds amazing! If you’re interested or want to know more, please email me at chrisnbowen at gmail dot com.
Hope to see you soon!
