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Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
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(Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna
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Old 6 Aug 2010
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Thanks, Chris. I was getting ready to post the same after confirming I had the names correct. The original mention of the term "waiver" referred to something different from Planethopper's use of the same word.

None of which alters my deeply-held belief that my country has gone off the rails with regard to immigration and border controls.

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Old 6 Aug 2010
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Sorry guys and gals. I'm just using the term that they used on me. Sorry for the confusion. To much bullsh_t at the border. It should just be a 50 cent toll to go across and a big sign that says "welcome neighbor"
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Old 6 Aug 2010
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Did some looking in to the problems at the USA/Canada border and it is not good. Seems the USA and Canada and soon more all share ALL the information they have on you I am betting by name. Not much new some say but the laws for getting at that information are as is the amount. Bad news. you now a FBI file with input from CSIS, CIA, homeland security NSA, your mom and gust about any one else they can dig up. And time seems to little to do with you getting let in I have read about some one getting popped for pot in the 70's in the US turned around at the border. do not know if it will help but DHS | Crossing U.S. Borders this part may help U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Travel.

To bad the "law" is not upheld the same for politicians last 3 presidents have enfe violations on there record to ban them leaving the USA. Drinking, drugs, starting wars you know just little things like that.

Off the rails? hell no. We are past that, we are dropping down a cliff with the D and Rs in power yelling "FASTER FASTER!" Hope and change!
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Old 6 Aug 2010
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You were half right in that it is a waiver (of inadmissibility), but not a visa waiver. If you want to go to the states, think of the procedures as an extension of the punishment of the crime you were convicted of and just deal with it. Maybe you don't think it is fair to have to do this for something you did 20 years ago, but that is life in the age of instant access to your past. You may be a nice guy who made a stupid mistake in your past, but as far at the guys at the border are concerned, you are just a convicted criminal of which the USA had enough of already. They probably don't want their boss to come and ask why they admitted someone with a record if that person ends up being arrested for a crime in the USA.
Good luck in your endeavors to get permission or to go around.

Originally Posted by planethopper View Post
Sorry guys and gals. I'm just using the term that they used on me. Sorry for the confusion. To much bullsh_t at the border. It should just be a 50 cent toll to go across and a big sign that says "welcome neighbor"
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Old 6 Aug 2010
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Originally Posted by markharf View Post
FWIW to anyone who's listening: a visa, no matter for what country anywhere in the world, never guarantees entry. And countries for which you don't need a visa never guarantee entry. You can always be refused; this is not just the USA.
OK, fair enough, although I can't say I've every heard of someone being turned away at a border because someone didn't like their looks? If the US is that worried about 30 year old criminal convictions, etc., wouldn't it make sense to conduct those checks BEFORE issuing a visa? Whole process sounds worse than I thought...
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Old 6 Aug 2010
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Originally Posted by motoreiter View Post
I can't say I've every heard of someone being turned away at a border because someone didn't like their looks?
Hey, I've stood right next to people while this was happening (entering the States from Canada), and I've been turned back from Canada myself due to inadequate grooming (i.e., long hair and patched clothes back in the good old days). You've never heard of this? You really do live in a parallel universe!

I'm not criticizing your perspective; actually, I find it fascinating. I thought everyone knew these things, but obviously I need to expand my horizons a bit.
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Old 6 Aug 2010
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Originally Posted by markharf View Post
You've never heard of this? You really do live in a parallel universe!
No, I can't say that I have heard of this, although I travel extensively and have lived abroad most of my adult life. However, I've got very little experience crossing the US/Canadian boarder. In particular, I can't say I've ever heard of someone flying to another country with a valid visa, just to be told, "gee, we don't like how you look, get back on the plane..." I like my universe better.
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Old 6 Aug 2010
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In my universe.....

.... I look like Brad Pitt, ride like Rossi and always get the girl!

Those border guards will stop the traffic and lay down the red carpet...

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Old 6 Aug 2010
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Originally Posted by garmei View Post
.... I look like Brad Pitt, ride like Rossi and always get the girl!

Those border guards will stop the traffic and lay down the red carpet...

I want to live in you universe, but throw an "s" on the end of girl
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Old 7 Aug 2010
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This whole border thing has me worried as I head for Nakusp next week. 12 million undocumented people in the US and we have to worry that someone has a 30 year old theft charge. It is amazing what access they have to records, There is no such thing as esponged records, even what you did when you were in grade school can be accessed.
A few years ago we did a project for a State Prison and had three of our crew refused. One was a part time police officer who was arrested (but never charged) for a fight at school. They even would refuse someone if you had a relative who had got in to trouble with the law. If HLS is using the same data base we are in trouble.
The only way this situation will improve is by contacting the politicans and demand some change. If you have a name similar to somone they do not want in there should be an easy way to prove you are not them, at no cost.
One problem is that the public is demanding that we improve our border security, but I do not think that what we are seeing is the way to do it.
I must be lucky (or dress right, cut my hair, smile a lot) as the only problem I have ever had was when I told Canadian border guard that I was entering for business. To which I was led to a room and lectured on what was required to legally do business in Canada, (didn't get the bid so never had to do it).
We should have a discussion at Nakusp (HU CanWest meeting) and put together a battle plan. (no one allowed to take names or we might not get back home).
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Old 9 Aug 2010
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Fellow travelers: I am sorry everyone is having such difficulties getting into the US. I myself have witnessed this first hand after returning from a 5 day trip to Mexico. The Mexican side was courteous and professional when I entered Mexico and also when I departed Mexico. When I made it to the US side, I had 6 Border Patrol officers start running toward me. A couple of them had their hand on their gun holster. They circled my bike and told me to keep my hands on the handle bars. They wouldn't tell me what I had done wrong. After about a 10 minute check they let me go without any explanation. At first I was offended. Then I started reflecting on 9/11 and all of the America Haters inside and outside our borders who want to do our people harm. Lets face it, if your counties had fallen victim to an attack similar to 9/11, I bet your borders and border guards would be acting the same way. This is the price we all pay when blood thirsty fanatics ram Boeing 767's into our cities. You should be pissed at the right people. The same people that I get pissed at every time I have to take my shoes off and empty my pockets at the airport. It sure isn't the US Customs and Border Patrol. Please try to be patient with me. I know I am venting but I still can vividly see the World Trade Center collapsing in my mind.
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Old 9 Aug 2010
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Originally Posted by DawnBreaker View Post
Fellow travelers: I am sorry everyone is having such difficulties getting into the US. I myself have witnessed this first hand after returning from a 5 day trip to Mexico. The Mexican side was courteous and professional when I entered Mexico and also when I departed Mexico. When I made it to the US side, I had 6 Border Patrol officers start running toward me. A couple of them had their hand on their gun holster. They circled my bike and told me to keep my hands on the handle bars. They wouldn't tell me what I had done wrong. After about a 10 minute check they let me go without any explanation. At first I was offended. Then I started reflecting on 9/11 and all of the America Haters inside and outside our borders who want to do our people harm. Lets face it, if your counties had fallen victim to an attack similar to 9/11, I bet your borders and border guards would be acting the same way. This is the price we all pay when blood thirsty fanatics ram Boeing 767's into our cities. You should be pissed at the right people. The same people that I get pissed at every time I have to take my shoes off and empty my pockets at the airport. It sure isn't the US Customs and Border Patrol. Please try to be patient with me. I know I am venting but I still can vividly see the World Trade Center collapsing in my mind.
Sorry to hear you had problems DB, but a little root cause analysis wouldn't go astray here. The events of the 11th of September were a response to an issue which had been brewing much longer. No, they don't deserve our sympathy for what they did, but they didn't crash those aircraft simply because they were blood thirsty fanatics. It's a complex world we live in and nobody solves issues by reducing them to a simple black and white / good vs. evil, blame game - regardless of the fact that your local media and politicians insist on trying to paint that picture.
Garry from Oz - powered by Burgman
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Old 9 Aug 2010
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I'm following this thread with interest because the info it contains is relevant to the subject title and very relevant to what I will be doing can we keep it that way :
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Old 9 Aug 2010
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This is all totally relevant. Like it or not 9-11 is the seminal event that's triggered much of the over-the-top border issues we are having today. Too much money and power in the hands of private contractors (read: mercenaries) with not enough govt. oversight. And not just US/Canadian borders. The US has MASSIVE influence over other countries and their security infrastructure, as we often PAY FOR IT. We have militarized many borders now ... as the US prepares for endless war. War is good business.

Come on over, you'll find out how the Homeland Security (HSA) does anal cavity searches. You think that's "off topic" ? You have no idea.

Farqhuar's rebuttal is spot on. Most US citizens have no clue what their govt. has been up to the last 20 years. Ignorant of history, misplaced super nationalism in the guise of Patriotism, all dangerous stuff with an ignorant populace. (think Germany, early 1930's)

Many Americans get their news from Nut Jobs like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck .... and other Far Right fascist and Racist elements from the Christian Right to Fox News. And Americans believe this shit, they really do! (Thanks Rupert!)

We now see radical armed militia movements, the Tea Party fringe and even nut job politicians with Hitler complexes coming out of the wood work. The stage is set.

As time goes on it will become more and more difficult and dangerous for US and British Citizens to travel. Period. It's now already started with absurd fees charged for visas (for US and other nationals) in some countries. Or outright denial of entry. More paper work than ever before, more scrutiny, most is reciprocity in reaction to our own immigration policies world wide.

As we kill more innocent civilians in our two illegal wars, we simply give strength and incur the emnity of not only regional peoples but the whole world. The US's extreme over reaction and misplaced use of force puts not only us, but the entire world in a very dangerous position. Like Nuclear obliteration kinda danger.
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Old 9 Aug 2010
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Bloody Hell, Fear and Loathing!
Anything can happen in the next half hour
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