paris to mongolia and back : via central asia mongolia russi
i plan to leave paris on may 23 2005 on an old Yamaha SR 125. will go through northern eastern europe, russia, mongolia. have to be in ulan bator on july 5 2005.
then i come back to paris via central asia (kazakhstan, kirghistan, ouzbekistan, turkmenistan), cross the caspian sea, then azerbaijan, turkey, southern europe ... paris.
i can t go to iran because i won t have a "carnet de passages en douanes".
I plan to be back in paris in october-november 2005.
any help is most welcome, especially if people have travelled like this on a small bike without a "carnet de passages en douanes".
thanx a lot in advance
hope to see you on the road
happy travels, ride safe
nb : thanx to vincent danna for his kind help to prepare this trip