Riding Buddy for Oodnadatta Track - Nov/Dec 2010
I'm doing a slow lap of Australia from 11 September 2010, starting in Melbourne and going clockwise via South Australia and the Nullabor to Perth then up to the NT and Queensland. I should have reached Adelaide by mid November and would like to do the Oodnadatta Track but as this is mostly a dirt track and I've never ridden further up a dirt track than somebody's front door, I'm not that keen on doing it alone. I'm thinking it will take about 1-2 weeks to go there and back so if you're free mid-late November and fancy going this way, give me a shout. Don't know what bike I'll be riding yet as I'll need to buy one when I arrive in Oz, but if anyone has any suggestions they'd be appreciated too. Also, if you've already done the Track then some feedback on what to expect would also be good.