WA highlights if you're interested
Hi there. I'm just back in Melbourne from a 7 week whistlestop tour of NT and WA. I read your post and thought I'd mention a few spots that might be worth stopping at.
Firstly, it's getting hot up north and will soon be wet so so you may want to get moving... For now however, if you like gorges, many are barely flowing though though most I experienced on this trip (about 25 of them!) still have water and are great for a cool dip after a hike.
Places I enjoyed:
- Karijini NP (out near Tom Price, Newman). Amazing walks, rock formations and lotss of opportunity to get wet.
- Barn Hill Station. Above 80 mile beach, 10km off the highway, but a chilled camping spot and an untouched coastline.
- Cape Leveque. Great beaches, views and sunrises/sets.
- Gibb River Road. It was in good condition 4 weeks ago and I would recommend touching as many gorges and associated hikes as possible. Mitchell Falls was almost dry so maybe not that one, plus the short road into it is a nightmare so I heard. Mornington Wilderness Reserve was spectacular if you like the bush, a bit of canoeing and some hiking again. El Questro. Great place to relax and great shady campspots.
- Kakadu. We did the southern road this time including Maguk and Jim Jim Falls. Also the Yellow River sunrise boat tour (worth the $99).
- Litchfield and Katherine Gorge (of course!).. Both lovely and relaxing places, plenty of water and nicce camping.
After that, you're on your own. Good luck.