Just an idea: take the nighttrain from Brussels (Belgium) to South France (Narbonne, Perpignan, Avignon,...). Your motorbike comes with you. Saves me and my transalp 2 days of boring cruising along black tarmac just trying to get to the beginning of my trip (Marocco).
Two way ticket, bed and breakfast included and a annulation insurance costed me 340 Euro. Wich I find reasonable considering all the advances (time saving, tire / gear saving, arriving fit in the sunny south,...)
Only downside, the train only leaves from Belgium on Friday evening and returns on saturday evening.
Mayby you should check with the French railroads. I am sure there are simular connections within France that might suit you better.
Anyway, I'll be in Narbonne the morning of the 27th of April riding to South Spain and on to Marocco.