Europe - Magadan (Russia) 2019
I'm from Central Europe and planning a solo trip to Magadan - Russia (and beyond) in 2019.
Is anyone interested in riding together for a few days or a week and sharing some travel stories and  in the evenings?
Time plan: May - July/ August 2019
Rough route plan: the Balkans - Turkey - Iran - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan - Kyrgyzstan (Pamir hgw) - Kazakhstan/ China - Mongolia - Russia (RoB, BAM)
Motorcycle: Husqvarna 701
Roads: mainly dirt ones
Accommodation: prefer backcountry camping or sleeping in a room (not a fan of regular campsites)
I already did a RTW trip, so I'm an experienced traveler. I also can read Cyrillic and understand some basic Russian. I'm an adventurous, spontaneous and easy going person. I enjoy meeting new people and their culture, tasting different types of food, taking pictures, etc., so sometimes I travel in slow-motion.
From Vladivostok or nearby place I'm planning to ship my bike to Alaska or eventually to Seattle or Vancouver. I have done some research and shipping a vehicle from Russia to Alaska is quite an issue if you are not prepared to spent a large amount of money (+4.000 US$).
The cheapest option is sharing a container and shipping costs - anyone interested? I do not have exactly time frame; just would like to be in Alaska in the fall when tree leaves turn red and yellow.
Last edited by Anavi; 5 Aug 2018 at 23:02.