Recovering the deposit of the CDP
Hi all,
I have a question about the Carnet de Passage. I tried to search the answer but did not find the information. Maybe some of you can help me.
I am planning a one-year trip from Spain to Bangkok with my van. I will go through Turkey, Iran, CA, Russia, Mongolia, China (Tibet), Nepal, India, Burma and then Bangkok. In the majority of the countries, except Iran, India and Nepal, I do not need the CDP, although in some of them I need a lot of red tape, including guides, etc.
Anyway, my question is whether I can claim the deposit after I left the last country where I need the CDP. My plan was to have (not sell it) the van in Bangkok as I live in the area and want to use it for future trips. Therefore, I do not want to bring it back to Spain, it is a cool van that I invested some money in it. My CDP will have all the entry and exit stamps to all those countries where the CDP is mandatory, but the van will still be in Bangkok. Some posts say they check that the vehicle is back home, others sounds like with the CDP and all the stamps is enough...
Any idea if I will be able to claim the deposit?