weird carnet problem...
Hi all
strange one this. Got the carnet for my merc truck but there's only one problem. The engine number plate has somehow gone missing off the engine block. I know the engine number and I've tried to get Mercedes to issue me with a new plate but they say it's impossible (or to be more accurate "no one's ever asked for it and it's not listed on the parts computer"- Mercedes technical can't/won't help either). So I'm reduced to making up my own plate and riveting it on the block.
My questions are
a) Is this sensible or stupid?
b) Does anyone actually check the engine number on the block with the paperwork-we're going to Senegal?
c) Would you average customs guy know a genuine engine number plate from my made up plate? 'My plate' is a professional looking affair with properly engraved Mercedes Benz AG marking and computer engraved engine number.
All suggestions gratefully received!!