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Trip Transport Shipping the vehicle and yourself.
Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

Destination ANYWHERE...

Photo by Brad-Houghton,
The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa
(Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna
National Reserve)

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Old 8 Dec 2012
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from Malaysia to Australia(to/from anywhere)01/2013

Hello guys Im looking for a cheap option from anywhere in Malaysia to anywhere in Australia for my motorbike .

If someone need also to ship to Australia from Malasya we can do togheter to reduce the cost of the shipping OR has some experience or know someone will be great ....

Im thinking to do it in January

thanks for the help

cheers Teo
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Old 8 Dec 2012
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I am interested m8

I will be at the HU meeting in Chiang Mai for 11-12th Jan then after that wanting to get to somewhere in Oz

I have been trying to contact a chap called One Dollar in Port Klang who is supposed to be the bees knees for cleaning issues and Aussia customs. I have had no reply yet

Let me know what you have ideas about?

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Old 8 Dec 2012
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Asia - Oz

G'day Teo & TS,

You might want to go to Dili, Timor and ship your bike to Darwin. Cleaning your bike is a must.

Toll Shipping TIMOR LESTE

Tel +670 332 2840
Fax +670 332 2833
2nd Floor, Landmark Plaza Offices, Dili, Timor Leste.

You can contact Rafael Ribeiro on 7230517 / r.ribeiro@sdv.com or Antonio Magno on 7318249 / a.magno@sdv.com


New Service - East Timor & Darwin

Indonesian island-hopping Route/IslandCost (Rupees)FerryTime for crossing
Sumatra to Java (Bakau to Merak) 67000 inc riderdaily, every hour 1h Java to Bali (Ketapang to Gilimanuk)
27000 inc riderdaily, every hour1hBali to Lombok
(Padangbai to Lembar)
75000 inc riderdaily, every 2 hours5hLombok to Sumbawa
(Wanasabe to Alas)
80000 inc riderdaily, every 1-2 hours2hSumbawa to Flores
(Sape to Lubahanbajo)
219500 inc rideronce a day 8h Flores to Timor
(Aimere or Ende to Kupang)
298000 inc rider from Aimere; 212000 from Ende
once a weekAimere to Ende: 6h, then another
18h from Ende to Kupang

Hope this helps,

Cheers Dave
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Old 10 Dec 2012
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Hey Ts, cool ... Im already looking around. ..
Do u want to ship by air or sea ??? I went to the cargo area of KL airport ...in few days i want to go to the port to know if is really much cheapper.

Hey Dave ...i never been to Dili but I been in sumatra, java,bali, lombok and sumbawa. But already is almost the same price to ship the bike from KL to Australia then from Malaysia to Indonesia ...so what i did is just buy a 2hand bike and enjoy for 4 months Indonesia (which i suggest everyone to visit)

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Old 11 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by StartAdventures View Post
Hey Ts, cool ... Im already looking around. ..
Do u want to ship by air or sea ??? I went to the cargo area of KL airport ...in few days i want to go to the port to know if is really much cheapper.

Hey Dave ...i never been to Dili but I been in sumatra, java,bali, lombok and sumbawa. But already is almost the same price to ship the bike from KL to Australia then from Malaysia to Indonesia ...so what i did is just buy a 2hand bike and enjoy for 4 months Indonesia (which i suggest everyone to visit)


I am not that worried, if it is by air t is quicker, but I don't mind languishing around while a ship takes it somewhere then fly after it. I don't care which side of Oz either as I will ride it home from where ever, home being Rockhampton on the east coast.

I have no interest in riding through Indonesia with this bike. It has suffered enough of bad roads and is too heavy to control in slippery mud, it is the wet season now so there will be mud

Anyway, I still haven't heard from One Dollar, I may have to try and chase up a phone number.

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Old 11 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by TravellingStrom View Post
I have no interest in riding through Indonesia with this bike. It has suffered enough of bad roads and is too heavy to control in slippery mud, it is the wet season now so there will be mud
I took a DL650 from Sumatra to Bali in February 5 years ago, and we were 2-up. Wasn't too bad, main roads were always paved, though road condition does vary a lot, and traffic is crazy. Some very steep hills in Sumatra, that had actually lost their surfacing after rains, so they were like riding "off-road"... and lots of water on the road at times in the north coast of Java (sometimes the water was actually running pretty fast, so that was a bit scary), and some landslides on the mountain roads, but other than those we were just fine. Side roads will be just about anything of course. But if you're riding solo, I don't think the bike or the roads would be a big problem. It takes time to travel through there, though. But Indonesia was one country, that I would not skip, if I had a choice.

Shipping from Bali to Oz is also possible (we had to give East Timor a miss, because we were in Indo at exactly the wrong time, when the coup attempt and resulting unrest happened in Dili)... we payed about 1200 euros for airfreight with Quantas. But the costs were inflated, because we wanted to go Perth, and the aircraft on that direct flight route could not take the bike, so the bike flew Bali->Melbourne->Perth (direct flight was 3,5 hours, but this was at least 10 hours!)

Also there were a couple of Aussies, who ended up using seafreight from Bali, or actually their bikes were taken by truck to Surabaya first, and shipped from there, but I don´t know how it worked out for them.
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Old 25 Dec 2012
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Heyaaaa, I have my bike in Bangkok at the moment and will also attend the Chiang Mai Meeting in January. Afterwards I will also try to get to Australia. Lets make a plan in Chiang Mai :-)

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Old 27 Dec 2012
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hey there,

We have two motorbikes in Bangkok. We plan to go to Kuala lumpur in januari.
We have some visitors coming from 23 jan to 3th of feb. We fly to perth on The 4th of februari. Always interested in going together. Kind regards
Jan plettinx
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Old 1 Jan 2013
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Hey guys I ship already the bike on the 27 december, by airplane from Kl to Perth.

I ship with MasKargo.

in next days i will write all details ..

Sorry would be cool and cheapper ship so many bikes tighter ...but we are running out of time of malaysia visa.

Keep in touch

safe ride to all U
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Old 14 Jan 2013
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Originally Posted by StartAdventures View Post
Hey guys I ship already the bike on the 27 december, by airplane from Kl to Perth.

I ship with MasKargo.

in next days i will write all details ..

Sorry would be cool and cheapper ship so many bikes tighter ...but we are running out of time of malaysia visa.

Keep in touch

safe ride to all U

Do you have any details about this shipping to Oz yet please?

My timing is now different because I suffered a long breakdown, I will be looking to travel mid to late February

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Old 4 Feb 2013
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sorry guys i was no able to do it before...i was in the wild, not internet and walk on my pc the first night in australia, while camping....

here the details For Your Shipment made
From Kuala Lumpur
Country: Malaysia
To Perth
Country: Australia
Shipper: Maskargo
Shipper Link: tp://www.maskargo.com/
Shipper Contact: no names
Shipper Email: no emails just calls
Shipper Contact details: 1) cal the booking number from local malay sim card 038 777 1 888
they will give you a booking number (call in the morning in the afternoon they hard answer)

2) call the reservation 038 777 1655, they will give you the name of the flight and the number of reservation.
Recommend: Y
Rating: 4
Shipping Month: 12
Shipping Year: 2012
Cost in US$ or: 1023 usd
Shipment made by: Air

Your website link with more info:

Your Comments:
from Kuala Lumpur i think for the moment is the best option.
Maskargo you can deal without agents and you dont need a create

U can ship from KL to Perth, Sydney and Melburne. Is a bit cheaper the price kg to perth but the best advandage is that they will not care of the dimensions of the bike because they told me that the airplanes to perth are not so full as the others 2 australians cities so they will charge just for the kg.

there is no charge for costum clearance, u can do by yourself, everything is nearby walking distance.

Maskargo is located in the airport of KLIA to go there u will pass from the Sepang Circuit.

U dont need to go to visit them before u want to ship your bike. Just call about 5 days before you want to ship the bike to book the shipping of the bike, which they call export of the bike.

When you will call they want to know the dimension of the bike, the kg and the destination.
U dont need to be precise, just say something about. Remeber they will say even if u send to perth that they will charge for volume or kg depend which number is higher, but is bull shit, then they will care just of the kg.

so here the numbers

1) cal the booking number from local malay sim card 038 777 1 888
they will give you a booking number (call in the morning in the afternoon they hard answer)

2) call the reservation 038 777 1655, they will give you the name of the flight and the number of reservation.

the next step is bring the bike 1-2 days before the shipping at the cargo area of the KLIA airport.
in just 200 metres from the passager entrance.

to enter in the cargo area u will need a pass.
the pass you will get for free from a little hide police office outside the cargo area, they will take your passport and give you the pass. they are quite not nice police man, i would say mother ****er, sometimes they try to get 10 renge or they will let you wait a lot of times (didnt undestard why) however if they make problems call the booking number. try to arrive in the morning is better. Just ask people where you get the pass from cause found and explain where is is quite hard.

ones you are inside ask direction for maskargo area and they will show the way. when you will arrive you will weight the bike and you will pay wil casch or credit card (no extra fee for credit card) then you will go to the custum for get stamp your carnet.

The custum office is just after the entrance of the cargo area, is big building and you will go to the last floor to get the stamp.

Drive the bike there because you will get a inspection (check number of chassie and engine).

Ones u get the stamp drive back to the maskargo give the papers and is done.

They will say that you need to wrap you bike with the paper (transparent plastic) so you can buy before you go there or they will charge something. I said i didnt have but i didnt want to pay a guy to do because im able to do by myself. at the end they help me for free and i did not pay for the paper. (all little tricks to get more money).

one of the cheapper flights to perth is from KL or Singapore.
best option is fly from KL the same day you bring the bike so you dont need to take even a bus, but just walk for 10 minutes and you check in in the airport.

I did fly from Singapore and i went there by bus because was extreme cheap and because i wanted to see Singapore. but Singapore is just traffic jam city and i will never do it again if i would come back.

Trust me fly from KL.

sandwhich 12 dollar !!!!!!!!!
When you arrive in perth airport, walk out of the airport in the same direction the cars drive out. at the first junction turn left and you will see Dhl and opposite the custum office. they open at 8.30 in the morning. get your stamp In (they dont give a **** if you have the bike or not cause they dont check your bike).

After custum walk to quarantine back to junction, go straight and u will see the office on the right. give all the paper and pay the bill and book and inspection. sometimes you neeed to wait 2 days before get it. Try to make move their ass and do it on the same day. THEY ARE NOT BUSY THEY ARE JUST ****ING LAZY..

bill to get the bike
105 aud for quaratine ispection
157,58 for other fees

Finally you are on the road ....but the dramma is not finish. to be legal you must have the registration of your bike !!!!

Here comes the fun, you need to book a road inspection of the bike. Ones done this you will register your bike and finally you are legal....you will wait a lot, you will pay a lot and you think they stuff should work propelly but NOT ....AUSTRALIA for this is even worste then italy, they will make mistakes and in the end, i waste 2 weeks of my life for this ...Australia with a bike from outside never again !!!!!

The officers dont know even their jobs ....crazy
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