Short version:
Find a shipping agent with experience doing this. The agent will identify shipping companies, routes, dates, and prices. Book a departure. Tell the agent that you plan to return the vehicle home (this will usually be required anyway).
Decide whether there's a choice of Ro-Ro or container, compare prices and pros/cons and decide which you want to use. I've always gone with a container.
Verify the shipping requirements (e.g., for Australia you need the vehicle extremely clean to pass quarantine inspection without having to do a cleaning/fumigation on arrival, expensively. You cannot ship fire extinguishers. Some destinations will not let you ship anything which is not "part of the vehicle").
Get a carnet (some will say you don't need one, however we prefer to go this way).
Deliver the paperwork needed (the agent will advise) to the agent for the shipment., Provide means of communication and arrange how to receive the vehicle. Your UK agent will work with a receiving agent in India and you'll receive the vehicle via this agent.
Deliver the vehicle to the port of export, with fuel tanks as near empty as you can get them (leave some fuel so that you don't run out getting to a fuel station on arrival).
Decide whether you want to keep the carnet with you - which means you have to arrive in India before the vehicle, or whether you want the agents to handle this. Either way, make sure the carnet is properly stamped into India (and out again when you leave).