My name is Alessandro and I am from São Paulo, Brazil. 44 years old, riding bikes since 12.
Currently, I own a BMW R1200 GSA (I do love this bike), with which I could go to so many beautiful places, including Atacama Desert (Chile) and chilean lakes/Bariloche.
Have done some IronButt challenges, but I always dream about going far, like Ushuaia/Prudhoe Bay, a RTW trip, and so.
I am not sure if my duties (work, family) will allow me to do so in a soon basis, but for a while it is worthwhile getting some tips and exchange some experiences, if I can be of help mainly for those coming or just riding around here, in Brazil.
That's it, folks!
Safe and pleasant trips to all of us!
P.s. Picture: me and my bike getting closer to Osorno Vulcan, in Puerto Varas, Chile.

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