Hello from Spain with a new project for Riders
Hello I've been reading hubb from some time. Finally I register and I would like to share with you an idea that finally I made reality
I'm from Málaga, Spain with a BMW G650X challente and love off-road travels. I have visited several time Morocco, Portugal, France and of course a lot of travels in Spain.
After a lot of years traveling I tought that it would be very useful a system to permit contact rapidly riders traveling when they are in trouble or need something with other riders that are not traveling and they are at home. I thought in a solidarity system, "riders helping riders around the world".
I created http://www.spot-riders.com with this in mind. Basically you can send a spot and an email will be send to all riders 50 miles around you. For this to work it's necessary that there is registered users on www.spot-riders.com near your spot (50miles). This is why I share this project with you, it need riders!
I want it to be a free project now and forever, without third party publicity (aka adsense, etc) and without any paid service for riders nor any unethical way to get money.
My English is not so good (as you can read) but I do my best effort. I've done the website in English, I think it's the most universal language for travelers but sure I made a lot of mistakes so any help in this aspect is welcome.
I hope you love the idea and your feedback is important to improve spot-riders.com. You can read more in spot-riders.com website  . I have a lot ideas to implement to improve it...
 Await your opinions, Thanks!
Last edited by An-tonio; 31 Jan 2015 at 20:45.