Finally joined after many ppl pointed me to HUBB in the last few years (thx Sjaak). I will mainly be lurking.
Since 2014, I use my motorcycle to visit various work-events around Europe, and have met a few of the ppl on here in real life.
My Motorcycle, I call her Beauty because of the large beauty-case on the back.

note: I have an even bigger topcase now. Ugly? mwha. But Functional.
note: the motorcycle is not so shiny anymore, and there are a lot of scratches on the side-panniers as well.
My first serious trip was planned + documented
I just had to try and ride over Transfagarasan, but I found the Transalpina actaully nicer, quieter and more interesting.
And I have done similar trips three or four times every year, meeting interesting people and learning in the process.
I am also experimenting with a
"trip logger"
Travel-type: very conventional, I wont search for gravel or off-road.
I'm a moderate traveller (not as long+far as the real die-hards).
My trips preferably have a "work" excuse: That way it is business-travel, heheh.
Travel style: Alone, I am not into group-riding. Sleeping in B+Bs or cheap hotels. Because I have to stick to work-schedule, I have to sometimes "rush", whereas real Adventure Travellers have much more time to explore *jealous*.