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  • 1 Post By vincent danna

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Old 14 Mar 2018
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bike rental pakistan - july august 2018

hello everyone,

i used to be quite active here before when i was an administrator but i left it during a few years, sorry ... happy to see again this big world bikers community !

I was in pakistan in 2003, i spent like 9 months, touring a bit everywhere on my motorbike (during my world tour before iran, after india) AND I LOVED IT !!! I also worked there, beacuse i had an accident on the KKH and had to stay quiet for my broken collar bone to fix again in Islamabad.

Unfortunately, I have no more connection in Pakistan.

I plan to go to Pakistan this summer for one month (july, august) alone or with one friend. We are French, based in Paris. We are experienced bikers in France and abroad.
We want to rent small cheap reliable bikes, like Japanese 125 cc or more to go to KKH, Gilgit, Skardu, in the mountains, then go back. We drive slowly to enjoy the beauty of the country. we just need bike rental, no guide or organization.

I was at the Pakistan embassy in Paris this morning, no problem for tourist visa apparently. They require a kind of tourist official invitiation paper from a travel agency or hotel (called LOI i think).

QUESTIONS : i would greatly appreciate your help (ideas, recommandations, contacts, ...) :
1- For bike rental , small bikes : japanese 125 cc or more
2- Official invitation paper (LOI) : required for the visa
3- Guesthouse in Islamabad on arrival.

i am on a budget and looking for cheap options if possible :-)

Thanx, happy travels to everyone

NB : i read the posts here before and thanx for those who already shared information, like bike rental (karakorambikers, saiyah riders)
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
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Old 15 Mar 2018
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Liz Norman a thttps://www.karakorambikers.com will get you on the road. She can possibly also supply you with a LOI. We didn't use one when we got our Pakistan visa from Australia. Your situation maybe different of course.

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Old 15 Mar 2018
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thanx for your answer !

yes, i m already in touch with Liz Norman from https://www.karakorambikers.com/ (i saw posts here before mentionning her company)

- she is based in Gilgit
- she can organize tours with guides etc ...
- she can also rent motorbikes only (without guide), from Gilgit (japanese 125 & 150 cc) for 15 euros / day approximatively
- she can provide LOI, i think you have to pay
- she is opening soon a kind of guesthouse / hotel in Gilgit

- she also recommended me "backpackers" hotel or guesthouse in islamabad but i have not found their contact yet, searching ...

here's what i found otherwise :

there is quite a lot of information on this link : https://www.thebrokebackpacker.com/p...kpacker-guide/
=> quite good helpful info, names of a few facebook groups about riding / backpacking in pakistan

"Pakistan bikers club" replied me also, they can help with bike rental, LOI, ...
Pakistan Bikers Club
they recommended "Chez Soi guest house", Ph: +92 051) 2651451, email: chezsoi@comsats.net.pk in islamabad

i will post more info later
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 20 Mar 2018
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Not heard of a backpackers hostel in ISLBD, there is one quite well known in Lahore, I've stayed there a few times, nice guys with secure parking for bikes in the gun shop down on the street.
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Old 29 Mar 2018
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Here’s a small feedback summary of my research, after 15 days

I did not find any recent guide book on Pakistan, no more lonely planet etc …

* See these links :
https://www.thebrokebackpacker.com/p...kpacker-guide/ - I think they have made or they are making a guidebook
* A quite usefull facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1211980632227404/ … full of good people willing to help
* This website Pakistan Bikers Club can be very helpful, for the LOI (free of charge) for example
* https://www.facebook.com/motorcyclis...ionofpakistan/ can also help you, especially Ali

2 travel agencies specialized with motorbikes :
* https://www.karakorambikers.com/ in Gilgit
* Saiyah - a destination management company in Islamabad
They can arrange tours, find you a motorbike for rent

Some guesthouses I’ve been recommended : it goes from 8-10 to 40-50 euros per night
* Islamabad Hostel - Youth Hostels Association : not only in ISB, good cheap options
* Tourist Guest House & Hostel : https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/touristhostel : good cheap option, clean & well situated. The young owner, Haris, is very nice and helpfull. He can arrange motorbike rent, different tours as he is experienced in the tourism business ... good choice
* CHEZ SOI - 6, Kohsar Road, F-7/3, Islamabad - Tel: 92-51-2651451 (05 lines) - Fax: 92-51-2651456 - E-mail : chezsoi@comsats.net.pk
* Best Regencies Guesthouse in F8-3
* Jacaranda blossoms hotel
and more …

you can rent a small bike, like Suzuki GS 150 (made in Pakistan) or Honda 125 (made in Japan), the most popular bikes in Pakistan, for 10-15 euros per day. Easy to find, through hotels, travel agencies, individuals, …
It s more difficult to find bigger bikes and the rates can get pretty high, minimum 30-40 Euros and higher
Insurance : i don't know how it works when you rent as a forigner :-(

Enjoy Pakistan & have a good trip !
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.

Last edited by vincent danna; 30 Mar 2018 at 16:02.
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Old 6 Apr 2018
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Welcome to Pakistan

Once in touch with MAP (Motorcyclists Assoc of Pakistan) you would be among friends and not alone. They have chapters accross the country with groups travelling on the KKH most of the time.


Sayyah rents new 150cc bikes in Islamabad. They should be accessible on the net.

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Old 11 Apr 2018
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I just rented a bike, Suzuji GS150 from Saiyah in Islamabad, it was 20USD per day, came with helmet and knee&shoulder protection. Bike was good, brought me 2000km around the northern areas.
There's no insurance in Pakistan tho, no one really has one. They said they don't charge you for the bike in case of an accident but you gotta pay 50USD deposit.
My experience with them was very good.
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Old 21 Apr 2018
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Bike Rentals

Bike rentals in Pakistan are very easy, you can get a Honda 125CC or a Suzuki 150cc for sometime like 15-20 Euros a day. If you are traveling north, you have service shops available throughout especially for the Honda 125cc.
Most of the low budget hotels are in Rawalpindi but you can get a good deal in Islamabad too. Let me know what your budget is and I can find out a few options.
If you are traveling to Hunza, please come over for a cup of tea!
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Old 17 Aug 2018
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Pakistan - Trip review - Practical information

In French, sorry !

Résumé voyage Pakistan avec Luc … Après 2500 km environ parcourus (peut-être plus, on n’a pas calculé) en 21 jours de moto. Partage d'expérience en bref :

- VISA : pour obtenir le visa (dans une ambassade de son pays de résidence uniquement), il faut une ‘’Letter of invitation’’ (LOI) souvent payante (50 € environ) que l’on trouve facilement sur internet (agence de voyages locale, …). Formalités simples à l’Ambassade du Pakistan à Paris pour obtenir le visa touristique d’1 mois.
Nous ne sommes allés que dans les montagnes : Karakoram, Gilgit Baltistan (nord-est du pays)
- SECURITE : pas de problème : contrôles sur la route fréquents (plusieurs fois / jour) des policiers et militaires qui enregistrent nos coordonnées passeport et demandent notre parcours/itinéraire.
- Aucun problème avec les locaux, extrêmement accueillants, bienveillants, solidaires avec les étrangers dans toutes les situations ! Aucune agressivité, pas de vol. Grande curiosité et tolérance. Incroyable, indescriptible.
- ASSURANCE LOCALE MOTO : non dispo. En cas d'accident, règlement à l'amiable.
- ASSURANCE HOSPITALISATION RAPATRIEMENT : prévoir à l’avance de France. Dans toutes les villes, hôpital local pour les 1ers soins.
- ISLAMABAD : quelques guesthouses bon marché comme celle de Haris Ali Shah (https://www.facebook.com/backpackersislamabad/ et son agence de voyages : https://www.facebook.com/Adventureplanners/ )
- ROUTE ISLAMABAD - GILGIT : trafic très dense et chaotique, on a préféré faire le trajet en bus (environ 500 km, 15h) . A éviter en moto, danger, no fun !
- VILLES OU VILLAGES : tous les 50 km maximum.
- MOTO IDEALE : petite moto légère passe partout routière type Honda CB 125 ou Suzuki GS 150 (pas de moto d’enduro ou trail, sinon hors de prix). Facile à trouver en location (ex : Karakoram bikers : https://www.facebook.com/karakorambikers/ ) : 1500 PKR environ par jour soit environ 10 €. Achat/vente possible aussi.
- PIECES DE RECHANGE POUR LA MOTO : dispo un peu partout dans les villes. Idem pour réparer les crevaisons, y compris dans les villages. Tout se répare !
- EQUIPEMENT MOTARD : pas ou peu, de rares loueurs et magasins en ont (qualité et normes locales). On a préféré venir avec notre propre équipement : casque, gants, bottes, ...
- ESSENCE : dispo partout. Huile moteur idem.
- NOURRITURE : dispo partout : marché, magasins, restos, …
- GUESTHOUSES, HOTELS : dispo partout. En général, douche froide et ventilo au plafond. Dans les coins plus reculés, y’a toujours une solution : dans un resto, une épicerie, chez l’habitant, …
- ELECTRICITE : dispo partout dans les villes et villages, +/- aléatoire (pas toute la journée), pour recharger ses batteries.
- CARTE SIM TELEPHONE LOCALE : en acheter une (5 € avec recharge) pour pouvoir tel & internet plus facilement (société SCOM est la mieux dans les montagnes).
- CARTE ROUTIERE : dispo mais pas très détaillée (notamment là où nous étions). Sinon utiliser l'appli ''maps.me'' et Google maps. Par contre, de nombreuses cartes des montagnes.
- ROUTES : un axe majeur, la Karakoram highway (KKH), est asphalté. Sinon, ça se dégrade, pistes +/- difficiles. Quand on quitte les axes principaux, ça devient assez compliqué : petits chemins en terre, pierres, etc … NB : Les éboulements et glissements de terrain peuvent être problématiques : routes bloquées +/- longtemps (de qs heures à qs jours). On roulait en moyenne 50 km min à 200 km max par jour. => Etre plutôt en BONNE CONDITION PHYSIQUE.
- TREKKING, RANDONNEES : qs camps de base facilement accessibles (Nanga Parbat, Rakaposhi, Passu, …). Pour les autres (ex : K2), prévoir organisation (permis, guides, …). On peut aussi traverser le Karakoram d’est en ouest ou du nord au sud pendant 20 jours environ, avec une agence de voyages locale.
- BUDGET JOURNALIER A MINIMA : on dort pour 3-5 €, on mange pour 1-3 €, 1 litre d'essence = 0,6 €,

BON VOYAGE ! Enjoy the beauty of Pakistan and pakistani people !

ITINERAIRE REALISE : https://goo.gl/maps/zbyPpZqDxns . En plus, nous sommes allés à Fairy Meadows (entre Chilas et Gilgit), Astore, Rupal, Deosai National Park, Shigar (enttre Gilgit et Skardu), Askole (à côté d'Arando), balade dans la vallée de Hunza.

To Haris Ali Shah , Ali Usman , Awais Ahmad Kalyar , Liz Norman , Syed Hamza Mobeen , Yahya Khan , Malik Faisal , Abdul Kareem , Hussain Shigri , Azaz Ali , Umer Zohaib , Pakistan Bikers Club - Since 2007 , Karakoram Bikers and all the very nice people who welcomed & helped us there to make this fantastic journey ... Thanx !
Facebook pages : Pakistan Bikers Club - Since 2007 , Karakoram Bikers , Backpacking Pakistan , Backpackers Club Pakistan , Explore The Beauty Of Pakistan
Vincent Danna

* www.va-project.com
Sept 2008 - dec 2009 : Voyage et art contemporain en Amérique du sud.

* http://vincent.danna.free.fr/
2002 - 2004 : Un tour du monde en moto.
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Old 10 Mar 2019
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bike rental pakistan - july august 2018

Originally Posted by vincent danna View Post

Here’s a small feedback summary of my research, after 15 days

I did not find any recent guide book on Pakistan, no more lonely planet etc …

* See these links :
https://www.thebrokebackpacker.com/p...kpacker-guide/ - I think they have made or they are making a guidebook
* A quite usefull facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1211980632227404/ … full of good people willing to help
* This website Pakistan Bikers Club can be very helpful, for the LOI (free of charge) for example
* https://www.facebook.com/motorcyclis...ionofpakistan/ can also help you, especially Ali

2 travel agencies specialized with motorbikes :
* https://www.karakorambikers.com/ in Gilgit
* Saiyah - a destination management company in Islamabad
They can arrange tours, find you a motorbike for rent

Some guesthouses I’ve been recommended : it goes from 8-10 to 40-50 euros per night
* Islamabad Hostel - Youth Hostels Association : not only in ISB, good cheap options
* Tourist Guest House & Hostel : https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/touristhostel : good cheap option, clean & well situated. The young owner, Haris, is very nice and helpfull. He can arrange motorbike rent, different tours as he is experienced in the tourism business ... good choice
* CHEZ SOI - 6, Kohsar Road, F-7/3, Islamabad - Tel: 92-51-2651451 (05 lines) - Fax: 92-51-2651456 - E-mail : chezsoi@comsats.net.pk
* Best Regencies Guesthouse in F8-3
* Jacaranda blossoms hotel
and more …

you can rent a small bike, like Suzuki GS 150 (made in Pakistan) or Honda 125 (made in Japan), the most popular bikes in Pakistan, for 10-15 euros per day. Easy to find, through hotels, travel agencies, individuals, …
It s more difficult to find bigger bikes and the rates can get pretty high, minimum 30-40 Euros and higher
Insurance : i don't know how it works when you rent as a forigner :-(

Enjoy Pakistan & have a good trip !
Thanks a lot for this detailed info
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