China - yes, and no.
Yes, you can get in, no you don't want to unless you're rich - and can plan it a year or so in advance.
You can either spend a lot of money, min US$100 day plus plus to pay for a guide all the way, and of course you have to also pay for the vehicle for him to drive and all his expenses - or go in a tour group, of which there were three last year, or forget it. That's it for now.
Before asking questions, it's always wise to do a quick search - this question has been asked and answered many times. A search on "China" found 26 matches, and the answer.
shipping in Vladivostok:
answered in detail on the shipping page. Again, a quick search on:
match "all" - "shipping vladivostok" "Website and Bulletin board"
will get plenty of information. 13 matches for those terms on the site.
The main route for what you want to do is via Japan. Good luck, and tell us more!
Don't feel I'm picking on you - you're new to the HUBB, I know.
Everyone has to get better at using the Search facility, that's what it's for - to use! And it works very well.
The site has grown so large, and there is so much information it can be a little daunting trying to find anything, I know. That's why we paid good money for the search engine and went to a great deal of trouble to set it up, and keep tweaking it and updating it, in order to make it easy for all to find information - I use it myself!
Grant Johnson
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