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Old 12 Jan 2013
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Provisions for driving in China. - facts.

I have a gripe which need fixing.

I live and I am resident in China, I can drive my own Chinese registered car, almost anywhere in China, with my full legal Chinese driving license, with no guide or agents telling me otherwise.

But if I want to drive my foreign registered car, it is not so strait forward, if you believe the agents, extortionists or thieves as I would like to call them.

So, firstly I don't need any guide when I drive my Chinese registered car any where in China, why do I need a guide when I drive a foreign registered car in China?.

Am I any more likely to drive to prohibited areas with a foreign registered car, as I am with a Chinese registered car?
I think the reverse would be true.

From the Government website.
I have not corrected all the grammar !!

The regulations on the management of motor vehicle and drivers of temporary entry (90th) (shall enter into force on January 1, 2007)
2007-12-22 12:04:40
Management of motor vehicles and drivers of temporary entry provisions (90th)
(Revision of regulations on the management of the temporary entry of motor vehicles and drivers had already been adopted on November 8, 2006 Minister of public security, joint meetings, are hereby published, shall enter into force on January 1, 2007.

Article 1.
In accordance with the People's Republic of China on road traffic safety Act and its implementing regulations, these rules are formulated.
Article 2.
Provisions in this article apply to the following temporary entry into People's Republic of China for not more than three months in the territory of motor vehicle and motor vehicle drivers:
(A) approval by the head of State, temporary entry of participation in an organized tour, competitions, and other activities of foreign motor vehicles and motor vehicle drivers;
(B) Temporary entry only in border areas within a certain range of foreign motor vehicles and motor vehicle drivers;
(C) Required for temporary entry of foreign motor vehicle driver driving a leased motor vehicles in China.
China has concluded bilateral or multilateral agreements on transit transport, in accordance with the agreement process between States or Governments have mutual recognition agreements for motor vehicle licences and permits, in accordance with the protocol handling.
Article 3.
Temporary entry of foreign motor vehicles shall be made to the entry or departure of the municipality or district in which city public security organs traffic management departments to apply for temporary entry of vehicles ' license plates and driving license.
Article 4.
Applications for temporary entry of vehicles ' license plates, driving licence, temporary entry of Chinese should be used to fill in the application form for motor vehicle plate, driving permit, inspection vehicles, and submits the following certificate, voucher:
(A) The motor vehicle registration certificate issued by the competent authority outside, belongs to the non-Chinese, and should also issue a Chinese translation of the text;
(B) The permit issued by the Chinese customs departments of vehicle entry voucher;
(C) Is an organized tour, games and other activities, should also be submitted to the relevant authorities in China to produce proof;
(D) Motor vehicle safety inspection certification, is abroad issued by the competent authority, shall issue a Chinese translation of the text;
(E) Not less than duration of temporary entry of China motor vehicle road accident responsibility compulsory insurance certificate.
Public security organs traffic management should review in the 3rd from the date of receipt of the application materials submitted certificates, vouchers, inspection of motor vehicles. In conformity with the provisions and issuance of motor vehicle license plate and driving certificate for temporary entry.
Article 5.
The temporary motor vehicle plate to the paper plate, area, line, and which State allowed validity period.
Temporary entry of temporary entry back to the vehicles ' license plates motor vehicle driving license, endorsement type, license plate numbers of vehicles, factory model, driving regional or route, duration and other information.
Article 6.
Temporary entry vehicles ' license plates and driving license validity period should be consistent with the immigration period endorsements on file, but not more than three months. Temporary entry of vehicles ' license plates and driving license validity period shall not be extended.
Article 7.
Temporary entry licence plate, should be placed in the front windshield of a motor vehicle right side, motorcycle number plate should be for temporary entry truck carrying, for inspection.
Article 8.
Temporary entry of foreign motor vehicles, can entry voucher to the requirements laid down in article location of the vehicles ' license plates and driving license issuing authority for temporary entry, after landing and was 2nd in the temporary entry of vehicles ' license plates and driving licence applications.
Article 9.
Temporary entry of foreign motor vehicle drivers to drive their own vehicles for temporary entry or lease motor vehicles in China.
Article 10.
Temporary entry of motor vehicles drivers on Chinese roads driving vehicles with temporary entry shall be made to the entry or departure of the municipality or district in which city public security organs traffic management departments to apply for temporary motor vehicle driving license.
Article 11.
Temporary entry of motor vehicle driver driving a leased motor vehicles in China, should provide the vehicle leasing unit of the municipality or district in which city public security organs traffic management departments to apply for temporary motor vehicle driving license.
Article 12.
Temporary driving vehicle driving license should comply with holders of foreign driving license to drive by the applicant. Driving with temporary entry of motor vehicles, provisional driving of the motor vehicle driver's license should also be consistent with their own vehicle. Driving a leased motor vehicles in China, provisional driving of the motor vehicle driver's license automatically block for small cars and small cars.
Article 13.
To apply for temporary motor vehicle driving license, Chinese should be used to fill in the application form for temporary motor vehicle driving license, submit the following certificate, voucher:
(A) The identification of entry and exit;
(B) The overseas motor vehicle driver's license belonging to non-Chinese, should also issue a Chinese translation of the text;
(C) The age, physical condition is China driving license documents;
(D) Two colour photos (recent bust size front white);
(E) Participate in organized tours, competitions and other activities, should also be submitted to the relevant authorities in China to issue certificates.
Public security organs traffic management should be reviewed from the date of receipt of the application materials in the 3rd in qualifying, organization of road traffic safety laws and regulations, issuing temporary motor vehicle driving license.
Article 14.
Temporary motor vehicle driving license expiry date should be with the driver of a motor vehicle entry and exit endorsements on identity documents allowing entry period deadline, but a maximum period of up to three months. Temporary motor vehicle driving license validity period shall not be extended.
Article 15.
Temporary motor vehicle driving licenses should carry, and Chinese translations of the foreign driving license and use.
Article 16.
Motor vehicle drivers of temporary entry of people, can the foreign driving license and proof of entry, driver's own vehicle to the provisions of article tenth of the provisional seat of the motor vehicle driver's license issuing authority, and applied for temporary motor vehicle driving license on 2nd after landing.
Article 17.
Police organ traffic management sector issued temporary immigration motor plate, and driving card and temporary motor driving license Shi, should on outside motor and motor driving people before of immigration records for verification, found has road traffic violations and traffic accident is not processing finished of, informed its processing finished or again issued licences; in China territory has driving motor traffic accident escape records of, no issued temporary motor driving license.
Article 18.
Temporary entry of motor vehicle driver driving a motor vehicle shall, in accordance with the following provisions:
(A) Abide by the road traffic safety laws, rules and regulations;
(B) The endorsement area on the vehicles ' license plates or temporary entry routes;
(C) In case of a traffic police check, drivers must stop accepting checks, presentation of entry and exit documents, temporary vehicle driving permit and the foreign driving license and its Chinese translation;
(D) In contravention of the road traffic safety laws and regulations, Chinese public security organs traffic management departments should be in accordance with law;
(E) The occurrence of traffic accidents, drivers should immediately stop, protect the scene, rescuing the wounded, and rapid reporting of traffic police on duty or public security organs traffic management departments, Chinese public security organs traffic management departments according to law.
Article 19.
One of the temporary entries of the driver of a motor vehicle under any of the following acts, the public security organs traffic management should be dealt with in accordance with the following provisions:
(A) The temporary motor vehicle driving license driving a motor vehicle is not made, or temporary motor vehicle driver's license expiration date of driving a motor vehicle in accordance with the People's Republic of China on road traffic safety Act, the 99th;
(B) Temporary entry vehicles ' license plates and driving without motor vehicle driving license, or temporary entry vehicles ' license plates and driving motor vehicle driving license expiration date, in accordance with the People's Republic of China on the road traffic safety law of the 95th article;
(C) Drive a vehicle beyond the regional or temporary entry routes, in accordance with the People's Republic of China article 90th of the road traffic safety law.
Article 20.
Due to border trade activities in the border areas, passenger and freight transport, border crosser for travelling to or transiting traffic activities such as frequent entry and exit, and only within a certain range in the border area after the entry of foreign motor vehicles and motor vehicle drivers, applications for temporary entry of vehicles ' license plates and motor vehicle driving license, temporary driver's permit, you can actually put in place by the combination of provincial-level public security organs in the province.
"A range of border areas" boundaries determined by the provincial public security authorities.
Article 21.
Hong Kong (S.A.R.), and Macau (S.A.R). and Taiwan motor vehicle as a result of participation in an organized tour, games and other activities, in the light of the provisions.
Hong Kong (S.A.R.), and Macau (S.A.R.) and Taiwan the temporary motor vehicle driver's license to enter the mainland need to drive motor vehicles, reference to these regulations.
Article 22.
Motor vehicle plate, driving permit temporary entry and temporary motor vehicle driving license published by the Ministry of public security uniform.
Article 23.
This requirement is, "the temporary entry of motor vehicles", are registered abroad, needs motor on temporary entry into the territory of China. "Motor vehicle drivers of temporary entry" is a foreign driving license, temporary access to personnel outside of the driving motor vehicles in China.
Article 24.
This provision "origin" refers to organized tours, competitions, and other activities of the places of departure.
Article 25.
This provision shall enter into force on January 1, 2007. On May 1, 1989 the management measures of motor vehicles and drivers of temporary entry (the Ministry of public security, the 4th) at the same time repealed. Before January 1, 2007 issued by the Ministry of public security and other provisions the provisions, these provisions shall prevail.

2007-12-22 12:04:40
临时入境机动车和驾驶人管理规定(90 号令)
(修订后的《临时入境机动车和驾驶人管 规定》已经2006118日公安部部长办公会议通过,现予发布,自200711日起施行。)
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其 施条例,制定本规定。
第二条 规定适用于下列临时进入中华人民共 国境内不超过三个月的机动车和机动 驾驶人:
(一)经国家主管部门批准,临时入境参加 组织的旅游、比赛以及其他交往活动 外国机动车和机动车驾驶人;
(二)临时入境后仅在边境地区一定范围内 驶的外国机动车和机动车驾驶人;
(三)临时入境后需驾驶租赁的中国机动车 外国机动车驾驶人。
与中国签订有双边或者多边过境运输协定的 按照协定办理。国家或者政府之间对 动车牌证和驾驶证有互相认可协议的 ,按照协议办理。
第三条 外国机动车临时入境行驶,应当向入境地或 始发地所在的直辖市或者设区的市公 机关交通管理部门申领临时入境机动 车号牌和行驶证。
第四条 请临时入境机动车号牌、行驶证的, 当用中文填写《临时入境机动车号牌 行驶证申请表》,交验机动车,并提 交以下证明、凭证:
(一)境外主管部门核发的机动车登记证明,属于非中 表述的,还应当出具中文翻译文本;
(三)属于有组织的旅游、比赛以及其他交往活动 ,还应当提交中国相关主管部门出具 证明;
(四)机动车安全技术检验合格证明,属于境 主管部门核发的,还应当出具中文翻 文本
(五)不少于临时入境期限的中国机动车交通事故 任强制保险凭证。
公安机关交通管理部门应当在收到申请材料之日起三日内 查提交的证明、凭证,查验机动车。 合规定的,核发临时入境机动车号牌 和行驶证。
第五条 临时入境机动车号牌为纸质号牌,载 允许行驶的区域、线路和有效期。
临时入境机动车号牌背面为临时入境 动车行驶证,签注车辆类型、号牌号 、厂牌型号、行驶区域或者线路、有 效期等信息。
第六条 临时入境动车号牌和行驶证有效期应当与入境 准文件上签注的期限一致,但最长不 超过三个月。临时入境机动车号牌和 行驶证有效期不得延期。
第七条 临时入境汽车号牌应当放置在前挡风 璃内右侧。临时入境摩托车号牌应当 车携带,以备检查。
第八条 临时入境的外国机动车,可以凭入境 证行驶至本规定第三条规定的临时入 机动车号牌和行驶证核发机关所在地 ,并于入境后二日内申请临时入境机 车号牌和行驶证。
第九条 临时入境的境外机动车驾驶人,可以 驶其自带的临时入境的机动车或者租 的中国机动车。
第十条 临时入境的机动车驾驶人在中国道路上驾驶自带临时入境的机动车,应当向 境地或者始发地所在的直辖市或者设 的市公安机关交通管理部门申领临时 机动车驾驶许可。
第十一条 临时入境的机动车驾驶人驾驶租赁的 国机动车,应当向机动车租赁单位所 的直辖市或者设区的市公安机关交通 管理部门申领临时机动车驾驶许可。
第十二条 临时机动车驾驶许可的准驾车型应当 合申请人所持境外机动车驾驶证的准 车型。驾驶自带临时入境机动车的, 临时机动车驾驶许可的准驾车型还应 与其自带机动车车型一致。驾驶租赁 国机动车的,临时机动车驾驶许可的 准驾车型为小型汽车和小型自动挡汽
第十三条 领临时机动车驾驶许可的,应当用中 填写《临时机动车驾驶许可申请表》 提交下列证明、凭证:
(二)境外机动车驾驶证,属于非中文表述的,还 当出具中文翻译文本;
(三)年龄、身体条件符合中国驾驶许可条件 证明文件;
(四)两张一寸彩色照片(近期半身免冠正面 底);
(五)参加有组织的旅游、赛以及其他交往活动的,还应当提交 国相关主管部门出具的证明。
公安机关交通管理部门应当在收到申请材料之日起三日内 行审查,符合规定的,组织道路交通 全法律、法规学习,核发临时机动车 驾驶许可。
第十四条 临时机动车驾驶许可有效期截止日期 当与机动车驾驶人入出境身份证件上 注的准许入境期限的截止日期一致, 但有效期最长不超过三个月。临时机 车驾驶许可有效期不得延期。
第十五条 临时机动车驾驶许可应当随身携带, 与所持境外机动车驾驶证及其中文翻 文本同时使用。
第十六条 临时入境的机动车驾驶人,可以凭所 境外机动车驾驶证和入境凭证,驾驶 带机动车行驶至本规定第十条规定的 临时机动车驾驶许可核发机关所在地 并于入境后二日内申请临时机动车驾 许可。
十七条 公安机关交通管理部门核发临时入境机动车号牌、行驶证 临时机动车驾驶许可时,应当对境外 动车和机动车驾驶人以前的入境记录 进行核查,发现有道路交通违 法行为和交通事故未处理完毕的,告知其 理完毕后再核发牌证;在中国境内有 驶机动车交通肇事逃逸记录的,不予 核发临时机动车驾驶许可。
第十八条 临时入境的机动车驾驶人应当按照下 规定驾驶机动车
(一)遵守中国的道路交通安全法律 法规及规章;
(二)按照临时入境机动车号牌上签注的行驶区 或者路线行驶;
(三)遇有交通警察检查的,应当停车接受检查,出示入 境证件、临时机动车驾驶许可和所持 外机动车驾驶证及其中文翻译文本;
(四)违反道路交通安全法律、法规的,应 依法接受中国公安机关交通管理部门 处理;
(五)发生交通事故的,应当立即停车,保 现场,抢救受伤人员,并迅速报告执 的交通警察或者公安机关交通管理部 门,依法接受中国公安机关交通管理 门的处理。
第十九条 临时入境的机动车驾驶人有下列行为 一的,公安机关交通管理部门应当按照下列规定处理:
(一)未取得临时机动车驾驶许可驾驶机动车,或 临时机动车驾驶许可超过有效期驾驶 动车的,按照《中华人民共和国道路 交通安全法》第九十九条处理;
(二)驾驶未取得临时入境机动车号牌和行 证的机动车,或者驾驶临时入境机动 号牌和行驶证超过有效期的机动车的 ,按照《中华人民共和国道路交通安 法》第九十五条处理;
(三)驾驶临时入境的机动车超出行驶区域 者路线的,按照《中华人民共和国道 交通安全法》第九十条处理。
第二十条 边境地区因边贸活动、客货运输、边 往来或借道通行活动频繁入出境,且入境后仅在边境地区 定范围内行驶的外国机动车和机动车 驶人,申请临时入境机动车号牌和行 驶证、临时机动车驾驶许可时,可以 省级公安机关结合本省实际制定实施 见。
第二十一条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地 机动车因参加有组织的旅游、比赛以 其他交往活动的,参照本规定执行
持香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地 机动车驾驶证的人员临时进入内地需 驶机动车的,参照本规定执行。
第二十二条 临时入境机动车号牌、行驶证和临时 动车驾驶许可由公安部统一印制。
第二十三条 规定所称临时入境的机动车,是指在国外注册登记,需临时进入中国境内行驶的机动 。临时入境的机动车驾驶人,是指持有境外机动车驾驶证,需临时进入中国境内驾 机动车的境外人员。
第二十四条 规定所称发地,是指有组织的旅游、比赛以及其他交往活动 出发地。
第二十五条 规定自200711日起施行。198951发布的《临时入境机动车辆与驾驶员 理办法》(公安部令第4号)同时废止。200711日前公安部发布的其他规定与本规定不一致的, 本规定为准

第 157 号
  《中华人民共和国海关暂时进出境货物管 办法》已于2007214经署务会议审议通过,现予公布,自200751日起施行。1976 920发布的《中华人民共和国海关对出口 览品监管办法》、198693日海关总署发布的《中华人民共和国海关对 时进口货物监管办法》、 1997214日海关总署令第59发布的《中华人民共和国海关对进口 览品监管办法》、20011224日海关总署令第93发布的《中华人民 共和国海关暂准进口单证册项下进出口货物监管 法》同时废止。
                          署 长  牟新生
People's Republic of China Customs

The 157th

People's Republic of China Customs for goods temporarily imported management approach has been adopted on February 14, 2007, after consideration by the Department, is published, shall enter into force on May 1, 2007. Released September 20, 1976 of the People's Republic of China Customs export exhibition, September 3, 1986, issued by the General Customs administration of the regulatory approach of the People's Republic of China Customs on temporarily imported goods on supervision, February 14, 1997, issued by the General Customs Administration, the 59th of the People's Republic of China Customs on imports of exhibits on supervision, December 24, 2001 issued by the Customs General Administration, the 93rd People's Republic of China under Customs temporary import certificate for import and export goods on supervision and at the same time repealed.
Director MOU Xinsheng
March 1, 2007
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Old 30 Mar 2014
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It's funny how you can run seemingly the same search and come up with different results each time. I hadn't seen this before, despite having, I thought, trawled the Hubb and the 'net for months looking for info on driving in China!

Unfortunately, without correcting the grammar, the translation is very difficult to understand, but one thing is conspicuous by it's absence ... the mention of 'guides'! This would appear to tally with what we have been told by our own Chinese contacts. That they aren't, officially, obligatory, won't help anyone, however, if the customs officers at the border operate their own rules and, anyway, as I've mentioned on another thread, it probably isn't particularly safe to rely on GPS alone for navigation. I don't think we are particularly anti hiring a guide, it's just the $$$$ that the travel agents charge that grates.
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Old 24 Jul 2014
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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Posts: 32
The difference between Chinese registered car and foreign registered car

Hi, sorry to see there is no much reply to your questions. Hope my reply is make sense for you:

your question:
"But if I want to drive my foreign registered car, it is not so strait forward, if you believe the agents, extortionists or thieves as I would like to call them.

So, firstly I don't need any guide when I drive my Chinese registered car any where in China, why do I need a guide when I drive a foreign registered car in China?."

actually on such conditions, normally for guests who will do the self-drive tour in China within 90 days, and the guide is necessary more for vehicle, than for guests.

1. according to the related rules of China government, if the foreign registered car would drive in China, it needs "temporary driving license", just similar with: for a foreign driver, they need "temporary driver license", there has different and respective related documents for applying the two things.

2. then, for applying the "temporary driving license", you need the national documents, and for temporary driving in China (like for travel) the validity should be in 90 days. Except you have other documents to show that (like work, study in China) you have certificate to make your car to stay in China beyond 90 days (sorry i'm just familiar with the one in 90 days for travel).

3. "the national documents" require a guide to accompany you and your car when you travel/drive in China with a foreign registered car.

4. For Chinese car, it has original Chinese driving license, then no need a guide to accompany.

if u need help on "driving foreign vehicle in China" in the future, welcome to contact me at: abby.zhang@navo-tour.com

best regards

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Karakorum Highway (China: 09.10. - 15.10.2102) GlobeXplorer Travellers Seeking Travellers 0 18 Jul 2012 04:34
China L 'Tourist' Visa for UK National John Laverick Trip Paperwork 0 21 May 2012 16:53
China here we come muppet8mycat Travellers Seeking Travellers 2 29 Jan 2012 18:13



Thinking about traveling? Not sure about the whole thing? Watch the HU Achievable Dream Video Trailers and then get ALL the information you need to get inspired and learn how to travel anywhere in the world!

Have YOU ever wondered who has ridden around the world? We did too - and now here's the list of Circumnavigators!
Check it out now
, and add your information if we didn't find you.

Next HU Eventscalendar

25 years of HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!

ALL Dates subject to change.

2025 Confirmed Events:

Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Aug 22-24
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2

Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!

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World's most listened to Adventure Motorbike Show!
Check the RAW segments; Grant, your HU host is on every month!
Episodes below to listen to while you, err, pretend to do something or other...

Adventurous Bikers – We've got all your Hygiene & Protection needs SORTED! Powdered Hair & Body Wash, Moisturising Cream Insect Repellent, and Moisturising Cream Sunscreen SPF50. ESSENTIAL | CONVENIENT | FUNCTIONAL.

2020 Edition of Chris Scott's Adventure Motorcycling Handbook.

2020 Edition of Chris Scott's Adventure Motorcycling Handbook.

"Ultimate global guide for red-blooded bikers planning overseas exploration. Covers choice & preparation of best bike, shipping overseas, baggage design, riding techniques, travel health, visas, documentation, safety and useful addresses." Recommended. (Grant)

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Ripcord Rescue Travel Insurance™ combines into a single integrated program the best evacuation and rescue with the premier travel insurance coverages designed for adventurers and travel is covered on motorcycles of all sizes.
(ONLY US RESIDENTS and currently has a limit of 60 days.)

Ripcord Evacuation Insurance is available for ALL nationalities.


What others say about HU...

"This site is the BIBLE for international bike travelers." Greg, Australia

"Thank you! The web site, The travels, The insight, The inspiration, Everything, just thanks." Colin, UK

"My friend and I are planning a trip from Singapore to England... We found (the HU) site invaluable as an aid to planning and have based a lot of our purchases (bikes, riding gear, etc.) on what we have learned from this site." Phil, Australia

"I for one always had an adventurous spirit, but you and Susan lit the fire for my trip and I'll be forever grateful for what you two do to inspire others to just do it." Brent, USA

"Your website is a mecca of valuable information and the (video) series is informative, entertaining, and inspiring!" Jennifer, Canada

"Your worldwide organisation and events are the Go To places to for all serious touring and aspiring touring bikers." Trevor, South Africa

"This is the answer to all my questions." Haydn, Australia

"Keep going the excellent work you are doing for Horizons Unlimited - I love it!" Thomas, Germany

Lots more comments here!

Five books by Graham Field!

Every book a diary
Every chapter a day
Every day a journey
Refreshingly honest and compelling tales: the hights and lows of a life on the road. Solo, unsupported, budget journeys of discovery.
Authentic, engaging and evocative travel memoirs, overland, around the world and through life.
All 8 books available from the author or as eBooks and audio books

Back Road Map Books and Backroad GPS Maps for all of Canada - a must have!

New to Horizons Unlimited?

New to motorcycle travelling? New to the HU site? Confused? Too many options? It's really very simple - just 4 easy steps!

Horizons Unlimited was founded in 1997 by Grant and Susan Johnson following their journey around the world on a BMW R80G/S.

Susan and Grant Johnson Read more about Grant & Susan's story

Membership - help keep us going!

Horizons Unlimited is not a big multi-national company, just two people who love motorcycle travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997 into a full time job (usually 8-10 hours per day and 7 days a week) and a labour of love. To keep it going and a roof over our heads, we run events all over the world with the help of volunteers; we sell inspirational and informative DVDs; we have a few selected advertisers; and we make a small amount from memberships.

You don't have to be a Member to come to an HU meeting, access the website, or ask questions on the HUBB. What you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive. Contributing Members and Gold Members do get additional features on the HUBB. Here's a list of all the Member benefits on the HUBB.

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