Hello All,
A Happy New Year from Dogubayazit in Turkey.
Looks like I'm out of the Iranian fire and into the 'Dog'ubayazit box. Haha. Sorry poor joke but it made me laugh.
Well I've finally made it out of Iran. It wasn't quite the way I'd planned it.
With a 3rd gearbox failure in 5 weeks it was time try and find another solution. So after sleeping in the car again I was picked up by my trusty recovery truck driver Amir and we headed northwest 300kms to the border with Turkey. At 5pm today in a first for the expedition I pushed Boris over the border into Turkey near Dogubayazit. Not exactly a triumphant entry / exit but successful nonetheless.
Now the word is out and I'm trying to source a new gearbox system, a new mechanics and a truck transporter (to wherever the mechanic is) Erzurum, Anakara and Istanbul are the likely options, with Istanbul being the favourite.
How long will I be in Turkey is difficult to predict. My lonely planet says its not so straightforward for me to leave without Boris, even temporally.
It looks like all those fans that were getting worried their daily fix of expedition drama was going to end have had a reprieve. I think its safe to say I will not be making it back for the 11th of January anymore. I suggest you all put January 18th in your diary for the time being. And perhaps the 25th the way things have been going.
I will updated you all as the adventure continues...
Big O, Boris and Kiwi Ted
Meanwhile here is the latest blog from Iran.
Merry Flippin Xmas - A Letter From Boris
And a picture of the crew taken at 2am the morning the gearbox failed for the 3rd time!!