2013 bmw 1200 gs
The more research I do the more I discover that there isn't a best bike or even a better bike for that matter. I have read blogs of people who have traveled the world in scooters to Harleys to Sports bikes to adventure bikes. They all have there pro and cons ...and I guess the cons are part of the adventure :-) This actually gives me some comfort in that it really doesn't matter what kind of bike I get as long as "I" love it.
As for reliability it seems that everyone as there perspectives on which bikes are reliable and which ones aren't. I heard that Suzikis are relaible then read a blog where they had nothing but problems with them on their trip. Same with BMWs. But then you can read other blogs and they love them. So I guess I come back to my new premise that the most important thing is that "I" love my bike.
As for the Carnet issue and if I am "financially well off" I guess that is a relative term. When I worked in Africa I was RICH. But when I am back home in Canada ... not so much. But yes ... I could afford a carnet for Eygpt. But by the time I get there my bike would be a couple of years old and yes ...have a few scratches on it.
Ever since I was young I have had a preference for buying new vehicles and then using them until they are ready for the junk yard. A lot of people thing I am crazy but it is my preference. I like it because I enjoy the new car experience and because I take good care of my vehicles and so I know they will last a long time .. and they do. And yes ...that first scratch is a tough one ha ha ha.
I think the best advice I have gotten is ride the motorcycle that turns you on!! And then have fun with it.