Sydney to London - motorbike choice advice needed
Hi all,
I am in the process of planning a Sydney to London trip by motorbike, leaving Sydney in late Jan 2015, heading north through SE Asia, into India and then making my way back to the UK via the ‘Stans, using the Karakorum Highway.
I have a question about equipment.
Like most people I’d like to make this trip unique to me, so I was thinking of using my current bike, a 2010 Triumph Bonneville T100 by freighting it out to Oz. We've done a couple of big trips over the last couple of years – one for some 5,000 miles around Europe over a couple of weeks, and one to Istanbul and back via the former Yugoslavia.
However clearly the trip I’m now planning is a different ball game, and so I’m considering investing in a more ‘appropriate’ bike – probably a Triumph Tiger – for that reason.
That leads me to a couple of questions:
1 – Does anyone who has done this or a similar route have an opinion on the suitability of a bike like Bonnie for it, given your experience? If so, I’d like to hear it. Do you think it would be a struggle/pose problems?
2- What are the chief advantages of using a bike like a Triumph Tiger over a more ‘conventional’ bike like a Bonnie? I am going to arrange a test drive to try one myself, but any thoughts – however obvious – would be welcome.
I'm not so much concerned about comfort (I have not doubt that a Tiger will be more comfortable for longer miles at greater speeds, but I'm in no rush) and more concerned about sheer practicality (road conditions etc) and actually being able to complete the journey.
Thanks for all your help in advance