UK to Nepal R1100 or R80?
Thoughts and advice please.....
Planning to ride (2up) from Aberdeen to Nepal. Spend a year or so in Nepal/India with the bike as transport. Possibly ride back?
Do I?
Buy an 1100GS, 7-10 years old with 35-50k on the clock. (my budget only stretches to about £3k).
Look for an older R80G/s or GS that's been well sorted out for much less money?
Bearing in mind that: The 1100 has fuel injection, ABS, electronic whatever and the 80 has carbs and should be more easily fixable in the undeveloped world. Plus, the lower cost of the 80 will mean far less dosh spent on the carnet de passage. (I'm going through all the countries with the 500% import duties).
I'd prefer the 1100 as I know it'll be better to ride and I've always fancied one but worry that as I'm buying at the lowest end of the spectrum I'll get something due for some major work fairly soon?