thanks for all the good luck wishes
To answer your questions/statements:
- Our digital copy needs improvement for sure, but I don't quite get what you mean by 'fuzzy' and 'no photos'? Have you actually got a copy, or are you just talking about the cover?
- We don't have staff as such. We are a team of women adventure riders around the world who contribute and edit regularly; there is no hierarchy in terms of bosses here and thus, no 'staff'.
- We are NOT re-posting anything. All our content is 100% original; both web and the digimag content is created by our team as well as independent contributors. We absolutely do not steal other people's ride reports!
- Thank you for your concerns about our financial well-being. Yes, finding advertisers is tough - but definitely not impossible. We are being supported by a few awesome companies who believe in us, and we're growing exponentially.
- None of the companies who support us have a say in our content in any way, shape, or form. We do sometimes publish sponsored articles on the web, but when we do, we ALWAYS add 'SPONSORED ARTICLE' in big bright letters in the very beginning. Our digital magazine has zero advertising; our philosophy is simple: web content is free, so there will be ads because we need to pay the IT folks and server costs whereas the digital magazine is paid, so it's completely ad and sponsored content free.
- We are absolutely not trying to create a us vs them mentality and I am seriously at a loss for words that this is even coming up. I would strongly recommend you read at least a few of our articles online ( content is free). More than 50% of our readership is actually men. We don't talk about periods, purses, and lipstick on Women ADV Riders! We talk about riding, motorcycles, and traveling - but we do it differently than all the other big adv moto publications out there. How differently? Check our content out.
- 'If you girls want your own sandbox, fine'? Frankly, I just have no comment for this one. But gee, thanks for being so magnanimous!
- Yes, crap writing will sink anyone's attempts at a publication fast. But, yet again, have you actually read any of our articles before commenting? We absolutely appreciate constructive criticism, especially from experienced professionals. But 'crap will sink you fast' is just pointing out the obvious in a rather obnoxious manner and I fail to see the benefit of a comment like that.
Thank you for raising valid points in your post; I hope I answered them!