Just bought a xt600k-questions
hello, i just bought my first bike, a 1991 xt600 k. its in ok kondition, but there is some minor issues to attend.
1. The rear brake is not good, there is a new calipper, but it has low effect.
2. The front brake has good effect bus has old brake fluid that i want to replace.
3. i am thinking about replacing the brake pads on both front and rear brakes, whitch brakepads should i buy? the bike is used for commuting mostly in rainy weather.
4. im planning to change the fork oil. is there any pointers or typiccal faults to do that i should know of? is there a "how to cange fork oil" explenation somwere?
thanks for all help
i have only driven the bike for 4-5 miles, but i think i love it already