My battery is Kerput! Replacement?
2 Years ago I bought a battery off Ebay from a shop in South England. I ordered and paid for a quality Yasua battery but when it arrived it was a cheaper Chinese take off. I contacted the idiots who sent it and after much wrangling managed to get some money refunded. I really couldn't be asked returning it in the post....
I can't remember the make of the thing because when I sprayed WD40 on it the letters disappeared.
Well, not surprisingly after only 24 months it's not holding a full charge.
I am now in need of a new replacement battery. I wanted to ask you lot for some advice -
Do I fit:
a. Yuasa (OEM fitting).
b. Boshe (German battery sold by Halfords here in UK).
c. Mottobat (Yellow one).
I rather like the look of the yellow Mottobat. I understand it provides extra cranking power?
Those of you who know me will realise my bikes don't get ridden much these days. I keep the battery topped up with a quality battery maintainer which is plugged in most of the year.
Triumph Bonneville 800 (2004), Yamaha XT600E (1999), Honda XBR500 (1986).