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The kill switch wires came off the switch and were just junpered together and taped up and shove4d back in the housing. The clutch bypass pulled right out of the housing, its nylon piece and contacts fell right out. Maybe I'll just tape those up. Or make up a mini toggle switch for it and enclose it in the choke/clutch housing if I got the room. Brake shoes are in good shape. Got about 3/16" of material on the shoes. The brake foot lever looked like it was in a bad accident. It was extremely bent at the first bend. You had to pick your right shoe toe up at least 6 inches to touch the pad. So, I heated it up and bent it back to almost horizontal. I think I can take up the slack and make it operable again. Next to do are the foot pegs. Front two leave much to be desired, may replace both of them. Back pegs, one is missing. Kick stand is very loose. Will investigate it. Had to replace the back tire. Was no tread to speak of where the rubber meets the road. $85 bucks! Sprocket to rear tire transfer mechanism is interesting - 8 rubber pucks.