So I thought I'd set off on my RTW trip yesterday with my TT600RE, after months and months of preparing and completely putting my bike in order.
At the end of my first day, my bike died. When I looked, the gas tank was very low, which was already very strange: normally I have a range of about 370km without luggage. Now I had ridden 180km. Ok, fuel economy will decrease with a lot of luggage or a passenger, but half? That's way too much.
There should have been enough left to ride a bit still, but I still put some gas in from another bike and tried again, but it didn't start anymore.
I called a tow truck and came back home

. Now I need to fix this ASAP so I can leave...
Long story short: my TT600RE doesn't start anymore, or if it does, it dies after a few meters of riding.
- inline fuel filter shows little or no pulsing, indicating the carburettor isn't really sucking the fuel in
- before the bike died, during riding, the engine was sputtering and lost power sometimes. The sputtering increased with high rpm, when giving full gas, and also when the choke was on when starting the bike and the first minutes of riding. The bike does not have any punch to accelerate.
(I rode most of the day like that - I found it strange already but thought it was maybe from the weight of the luggage, and was going to check it later, but now I think it's all connected of course)
- ridiculously low fuel economy (180 vs 370km range)
What could it be?
I will go to the Yamaha dealer when they open this afternoon, but I'm afraid they won't have space to fix this any time soon. I don't like the idea of waiting 2 or 3 weeks, or maybe more if new parts are needed after inspecting...

My visa can't wait too long of course.
I know it's a Hail Mary asking people here, who can't see/test the bike, but who knows :-). Thanks a lot in advance! Ask me anything you'd like to know if more info is needed to help...