xt 600,starting problem
hi all.think me an the old man might have solved the problem.was having same starting problem as a few of you are having,tried allsorts plus your suggestions,no luck.well got it goin down the old mans shed,fire up 1st time,stick the tank back on ride home,next morning late for work and knackered.won't go again.down the old mans tank off,fiddle about,swear a bit,so connect our make shift petrol tank up turn her over,fires up no problem.great off home,anyway next morning late for work.old mans etc etc.well when we was using make shift tank we was connecting it sraight to the carb by passing the fuel pump,starts 1st time now,2 turns and she fires.um hope you solve your probs,see yer....suntrekker27(my bro can't spell,and i was drunk on cider when he registered me)see yer.