About two months ago before I went away to get my TIG welding course my 1990 XT600E was safely (so I thought) parked inside my garage.
One morning I woke up and saw the bike fallen on to the left side and there was a huge puddle of oil spilled on the floor.
So, I painfully picked her up and looked for what was wrong.
The left handside crankcase cover had a hole of the size of a 50cent € punched in.
I removed the cover and went to the only local machine shop available on the island to have the bits "punched-out" and welded all around the crack.
Well, a few days I got the cover back and had to use a dremel-like conic stone with round top to "file" it a bit as it was hitting the rotor.
Guess what I found? the supposed weld was as shit*y as hell!
Full of defects!
So I kept grinding a bit more to see the extent of the welding defects so I could clean it and JB Weld it.
The defects kept getting bigger!
I then grabbed a pointy knife and started "digging" carefully.
After doing this on the biggest defects I had 3 HOLES all the way through with about 2mm diameter each!
Cleaned it with Acetone and let it dry for a bit and than air-sprayed it with compressed air to fully dry it out and take any bits of aluminum dust left..
So I picked up my just arrived today JB Weld and mixed a batch.
Applied the JB Weld generously on both sides, specially on the inside.
I then put it inside the "swimming pool house" as it was hot inside about 30ºC and low humidity..
Just a little ago I went to get it and toke some pictures.
Here they are!
I'll surely need to file it down a bit on the inside but will only "clean" it a bit on the outside so I'm sure it don't leak nowhere lol.
Tomorrow afternoon I'll be able to ride my bikeeeeee HURRAY!!
Hurray for JB WELD!

More pics tomorrow!