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Horizons Unlimited Slogan Poll

what do YOU think says what we are all about?

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You've all been fantastic at coming up with some truly great new slogans to express what Horizons Unlimited means to all of us. Our thanks to all who wracked their brains and offered some great ideas!

There were so many submissions, over 130, that we had a very hard time cutting it down to only 16.

The winning slogans will be on t-shirts, mugs etc, and used on the site.

Win - Whoever submitted the highest scoring slogan gets the first T-shirt off the press with their slogan:

"Dodger" submitted the winning slogan!

Win - One (random) voter who chose the winning slogan as their favourite also gets the tshirt!

Seppo Olkkola, Finland is the random vote winner!

Thanks for the support, we couldn't do it without you!

Grant and Susan

These were the choices, in finishing order:

They told me to get lost - so I did!


I ain't been everywhere, but I'm going.


ADVENTURE... before dementia...


Any place worth going, is worth riding to.


RTW: if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand!


Nomadic by nature, overlander by choice


If you've half a mind to travel, that's all it takes.


Explore your inner nomad


Wanderlust - ask me for details.


It's my planet and I want to ride it all


El Camino es mi Pais, la Moto mi Esposa


Everywhere is on my List!


Lose sight of things. Travel.


We rode, we saw, we continued...


A motorcycle and a trip. Love in motion.


Take the forking road to adventure!



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Editors note:
We accept no responsibility for any of the above information in any way whatsoever. You are reminded to do your own research. Any commentary is strictly a personal opinion of the person supplying the information and is not to be construed as an endorsement of any kind.
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All text and photographs are copyright © Grant and Susan Johnson, 1987-, or their respective authors. All Rights Reserved.