Shipments done by Travellers

The HU Shipping Database!

From THIS page, you can find details of shipments ALREADY MADE by travellers, both air and sea, so you can plan your own shipment.

For each shipment, the details include Shipping Date, Cost, Shipper Contact details and a Description of the experience, often including very detailed and extremely useful information about the requirements for crating or the paperwork involved at the destination location.

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Shipment: From Madrid to Santiago de Chile - March, 2014

3/5 - Average
tdbg or transmec

Alberto Loeches in Madrid

alberto loeches


We just shipped our bike from Madrid to Santiago. Here is the details about how it went. We used a company called TDBG in Madrid. The job was ok but there was a bit of delay and at the end they charged us double as much as they originally quoted. The original quote was 2000€ for 2 bikes by air, delivery time no more than 4 days and in the end for one bike we paid 1600€ and the delivery took 11 days so that we had to pay for our stay in Santiago in addition to the storage of the bike in the customs in Santiago as according to the transporter we could not retreive our bike the same day (which was not true). They also reffered us to a custom agent saying that it was mandatory. We found out that we didn´t need any custom agent for a temporary importaion that was our case. I have put more info on the blog. Good luck as you will need it :).

They counterpart in Chile is called transmec but they also charged us 180 USD just to give us the airwaybill in order to be able to pick up the bike from the customs! This document could have been sent by the shipping agency directly to us.


Shipment: From Melbourne, Australia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - March, 2014

4/5 - Good

T: +61 3 9330 0090 | F: +61 3 9330 3305

Stewart Garmey

Shipping time is about 14 days. It took for me 19 days. The container went on a vessel from Melbourne to Singapore. Here it was loaded on a different vessel bringing it to Port Klang (KL).

Unfortunatly they forgot to ship the container with the first available vessel to Port Klang so my Bike arrived some days behind schedule.

When I shippend my bike in Melbourne everything was easy. Stewart knows what he is doing and helps. I organised a used BMW crate from the Southbank BMW Dealer for free. I asked Stewart to collect the crate for me at BMW (this coast me about $100) If you have the option to collect the crate on your own and briung the bike and crate to Stewarts Warehouse you can save this money.


HUBB Member 'Sushi2831' really did a good job in describing the process on the Malaysia Site. It was for my exactly like he wrote. So thats why I just copy his description in here. with some additional comments.

The Procedure in Port Klang to get the Bike:
Malaysia is very correct and I saw no long waiting between the steps but it still takes time. If one knows what to do it's possible in 2 workingdays,


If Vessel already arrived call your local Shipping Agent to get the 'DO' (Delivery Order). May have to collect it from their office or arrange a handover at the port when you collect the bike.

Go to the Malaysian Automobile Club to get the

  • compulsory Insurance (CTP)
  • International Circulation Permit (ICP)

for Malaysia.

This will take several hours up to one day. For me it took 6 hours as the computer system for the insurance crashed and they had to fax the paper to the insurance. With Lunchbrake it was at the end 6 hours i spend. But there is a nice Coffe Shop with Aircon and free wifi.

At the end I ended up with an CTP Insurance from 'AXA' - You might try to get a CTP Insurance direct from them to speed up the process. Otherwise the AAM (Automobile Club) is friendly and helps you with this.

What you need (they will make a copy from the original):

  • Driver License (International)
  • Carnet
  • Vehicle Registration Document
  • Passport

Automobile Association of Malaysia
225, Block 4, Persiaran Sukan, Laman Seri Business Park, Section 13, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
(It's in the 2nd Floor. Use the Elevator left the the AAm Travel Office)

GPS: 3°05'31.5"N 101°32'36.9"E

Do not trust the Pin on google Maps. On the AAM Website its placed wrong. I made this mistake and let me drove to where google said the AAM is located. I had to walk 20 minutes to find it. The right Location use the GPS coorinates.

PS: If you take the KTM Train to Batu Tiga Station (about 40min) you need to take a Taxi from the Station to the Business Park. (about 10 Ringit) - If you go in the morning (9am) you may have to wait a while for a taxi because all the locals want to catch a taxi as well to go to work. I waited 30 min for a taxi :(



  • Take the KTM train from Kuala Lumpure to Port Klang, approx. 1 hour 4.40 Ringgit.
  • Take a taxi to the Custom House in Northport, 2-3km approx. 5-10 Ringgit.
  • GPS Custom House: N 03.01484 E 101.36586

At the Custom House:
1. Go up the stairs turn left, go straight to the office at the end of the corridor.
There they want a fotocopy of:
-your passport,
-the original registration,
-the insurance for Malaysia
And then they fill in the CDP only halfway.

  • Go to Northport, there is a small footpath between the Custom House an the Powerplant which leads right to the entrance of the Northport. There you get a visitor pass.

Custom House
N 03.01484 E 101.36586

  • Go to the warehouse at Northport of your shipping company to prepare your bike for the inspection.
  • Go with the CDP to Northport to the Customoffice, located in warehouse B2, for an inspection of the Bike. The Customofficer then signs on the back of the import part of the CDP. Ask them to sign the pink paper too.
  • Go back to the Custom House to clear the CDP.
  • After the CDP you need the clearence of the bike on the pink paper, as well at the Custom House opposite the CDP office.
  • Go to the warehouse pay the fees and to pick up your bike. They have to sign as well, now on the last page.
  • Drive to the entrance of Northport and show them the carnet and the DO Paper.
  • Your free to go.

Sounds easy, doesn't it?





Melbourne in local currency AUD:

  • $82.50+GST Collection of empty crate from BMW
  • $99.00+GST Export documents
  • $99.00+GST Export clearance (CDP)
  • $140.53+GST Deliver loaded crate to port
  • $165.86 Oceanfreight (375kgs / 2.66cbm

= $586.89 incl. GST


Kuala Lumpur in local currency MYR:

  • 120.00 MYR LCL Fees
  • 5.00 MYR CNTR Washing charges
  • 150.00 MYR Ocean agency fees
  • 10.00 MYR cost recovery
  • 30.00 MYR EDI
  • 150.00 MYR Delivery order
  • 120.00 MYR Warehouse storage (5days)

= 585 MYR = $191 AUD

Kuala Lumpur Automobile Club

  • 230 MYR CTP Insurance (1 Year)
  • 150 MYR ICP Sticker (3 month)

= 380 MYR = $125 AUD



$AUD 587
$AUD 191

Shipment: From Vancouver, Canada to Santiago, Chile - March, 2014

5/5 - Excellent
DB Schenker

March 2014 shipped KLR by air canada from Vancouver to Santiago

Tim Whitting

I crated my KLR myself with Triumph shipping crate that I bought for $100 from the local Triumph dealer. I removed windshield, handlebars and mirrors. Shipped with top case, tank bag, helmet. Also one pannier loose on top of seat. Other pannier I used as carry on luggage on my flight which left 2 days later. I delivered bike in crate to DB Schenker near Vancouver Airport with my trailer. They had it shipped by Air Canada.

I used a local guy in Santiago to get my bike through customs at Santiago end. Would have been very difficult without local help. For a couple of days storage at Santiago and paperwork fees came to around $300.


Shipment: From Kathmandu, Nepal to Tokyo, Japan (Narita Airport) - March, 2014

5/5 - Excellent
Eagle Export Cargo

N 27.715530, E 85.310355

You can find all the contacts on their website. They are right next to the famous Kathmandu Guesthouse in Kathmandu-Thamel, the touristic area. I guess everyone knows the KG and can show you the way in the alley maze of Thamel. Here are their facebook contacts:

Suraj and Sara Dhakal

What to do in Nepal:
- Call / write EE in advance: what and where to ship?
- Visit them in Kathmandu next to the well-known Kathmandu Guesthouse
- They measure your bike and make an offer
- Pay a deposit, then they order a crate and prepare the paperwork (takes about 3 days)
- Drive to the airport warehouse together with them. There you dismantle your bike, they fix it on the crate, the customs officer checks it and signs your carnet - 2h at the airport, that’s it.

Exchange rates in March, 2014
1€ = 1,37$ = 134 Nepalese Rupee
1$ = 0,73€ = 97 NPR

Shipment cost: 1.630$
Flight ticket (3 flights in total): 480$
+ 3,5% credit card fees

Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin ‘93 and luggage in a crate
82 x 34 x 46 inch / 209 x 87 x 117 cm / 356 kg


What to do in Japan:
- You need 3 magic papers: A Japanese translation of your driving license (important for customs!), an authentication of your Carnet de Passage (important for customs!) and a motorcycle liability insurance (CAREFUL! There are tricky laws, please see details below)

- The Japanese Automobile Federation (JAF) issues the translation (3.000¥) and the authentication (free) at their offices: Call in advance, send a fax of your documents and pick up the papers some hours later. Below the text there is a contact who can help you.
- Now you are allowed to drive vehicles according to your license and get the bike out of customs, however ..

- Germany and Japan signed different treaties on international traffic laws; therefore you need to register your motorcycle to legally ride it and get a proper(!) insurance. It isn’t worth the money and time in my opinion. If you want to take the risk of driving without an insurance, you can get an “insurance” called Jibaiseki at motorcycle dealers, but it has an ultralow coverage and is basically just to fool the police in a road check (mostly, they don’t know about these laws). They will not offer it to you when you tell them that it is a German bike. Only show them a paper with "Jibaiseki Hoken", your name, motorcycle, chassis number, engine number and duration of the insurance. There are links to this subject below.

- If you ship your bike by airplane and it arrives at Tokyo Narita Airport: Don’t be scared of the customs procedure, it was easy, didn’t take long and all the staff was friendly to me. I got the help of John from Apexmoto (details below) to pick up the bike with a transporter. - Drive to the customs zone at Tokyo Narita airport (entrance: 35.771771, 140.383596) and don’t forget to bring money and your papers: Passport, delivery document, Japanese driving license, Carnet de Passage, Japanese authentication of the CDP, maybe the traffic insurance papers + everything else you have.
- At the entrance, you get a permission / stamp card for the customs zone. You have to fill in your information and stamp it at the offices you visit, don’t forget it.
- Right after the entrance on the left side, there is the office of the warehouse company IACT. Go there and pick up your original delivery documents with your copy and passport. They will also show you the way to the customs building.
- On the 2th floor in the customs building, you can clear your papers. They were friendly, respectful and curious about my journey, stamped the Carnet, made copies and called the cargo airline in advance to introduce me.
- Go back to the IACT office at the entrance and pay for eventual storage and handling cost. In my case, I (unfortunately) stored the bike 4 days in the customs zone and just paid 5.660¥ in total for everything (normally, it’s much more). The payment counter is just next to the counter where you pick up the original delivery document.
- Once this is done, they show you where you can pick up your bike. In my case, just down the street.
- We had to uncrate it at the spot to fit it in the transporter, which is normally not allowed. However, they saw our problem and were okay with it; they also disposed the destroyed crate for just 500¥ (normally, ..). Interestingly, nobody wanted to check the bike.
- Drive to the exit, give back your stamp card, finish.

Exchange rates in March, 2014
1€ = 1,37$ = 142¥
1$ = 0,73€ = 103¥

Japanese driving license: 3.000¥
Storage (4 days) and handling: 5.660¥
Disposing of the crate: 500¥
Don’t forget about the transport, accomodation and other costs!

Additonal links:
- Sums up my import story:!

- Sums up the result: (the whole thread is worth reading)


If you search for a good accomodation in Tokyo area, I recommend Anna’s and Eiki’s Airbnb without a doubt. They perfectly speak English and Japanese, are warm-hearted, offer a beautiful tatami-guestroom for a reasonable price and Eiki knows what to do at JAF to get the translation and authentication (+ very helpful!). In addition, he also cooks a range of traditional Japanese meals for you - a perfect welcome to Japan in my opinion! The only disadvantage, it’s outside of the city center in Tokyo Machida, but Eiki gives you lifts to the train station (consider time and costs for the train rides in to the city center!).

Eiki Somekawa & Anna Wakaki

If you need anything that has to do with your motorcycle, I recommend to call John from Apexmoto in Yamanashi (top workshop, I saw how they work). They offer lots of quality services and are very helpful. Being an Irishman, John perfectly speaks English and his Japanese wife Saori of course perfect Japanese. They also sell proper insurances and can organize the registration (“Shaken”) if you want / need. In addition, they also might rent you a motorcycle or buy/sell one for you (the most clever way, methinks).

John & Saori Gavin, Pete Wilkinson
N 35.622206, E 138.666345


Hope it helps! As always, please inform me if there is a mistake or you have other questions and suggestions.

1630$ (1$ = 0,73€ = 97 Nepalese rupees at that time)
5.660¥ 4 days storage and handling + 500¥ disposing of the crate + 3.000¥ Japanese driving license (1$ = 0,73€ = 103¥)

Shipment: From Haifa, ISRAEL to Lavrio, GREECE - March, 2014

5/5 - Excellent
ROSENFELD Shipping - SALAMIS LINES (Cypriot owned)



TEL: +972 4 8613 671,

Mrs. Alicia or Mr. Rasheed,

Prices are for a SUZUKI 4X4 (no taller than 2.3 mt and no heavier than 2.5 tn)

Departures from Haifa: Every Tuesday
Arrivals to Lavrio: Friday morning

Shipping agent in Haifa: ROSENFELD Shipping (their offices is across GATE 5 of Haifa port/ also across the Main Railway Station).

Lavrio port to Athens city center is about one hour driving if you take the Attiki Odos Highway (including tolls ;-( ). There are also buses from the city center to the port and vice versa. Cost is 4.90 euros pp. Webpage for checking the timetable: (Λαύριο-Αθήνα).


Cabin: 300 euros per person including 3 meals. 

(We prefered to fly instead for half the money (one way ticket to Athens with Turkish Airlines through Istanbul. Aegean Airlined fly direct from Tel Aviv to Athens)

Freight cost: 700 euro for vehicles up to 4 tones BUT 750 euro for vehicles more than 4 tones


Nobody checked the vehicle before loading. Just handing in the keys to the Rosenfeld guy. Received the car in exactly the same situation we delivered it. We did not remove anything. Nothing was missing. Very professionals and reliable company.

Freight cost: 700 euro (including clearance in both sides) & Port fees: 1327 Shekel (app 275 euros/ 385 USD) for a 4X4


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