Another fatal Summer in Australia
I know I've posted before about fatalities in Australia's Summer months, but we have sadly had a German couple in their 70s die from heat exhaustion near Alice Springs whilst on a fairly short walk. They were totally unprepared with (according to reports) only 1 litre of water between them. The temperatures by 8am had reached the mid 30Cs with high humidity so it felt like low 40Cs. They were not found until at least 2 days after they left their motel. Many roads and tourist attractions are not well frequented during the Summer months.
If you must travel during days/weeks of high temperatures (>35C) please make sure that you have and drink at least 1 litre of water per hour. Riding a motorbike can be as dehydrating as walking. Check the colour of your urine, if its dark in colour you need to increase fluids. If you cant pee every hour then you're not drinking enough. Avoid alcohol as this will further dehydrate you. Don't rely on a dot on the map as being a town - sometimes that's just an entry gate to a property that might be 50kms from the road.