To register (brand new) or transfer (used) any vehicle in Brazil you need to go through 2 stages.
First you gonna need an identification document (passport, Brazilian drivers license) a valid CPF number and proof of residence. You should get bike's Certificado de Registro de Veículo (CRV), which is the title of the motorcycle, the inspection report, the Renavam report and the proof of tax payment for the vehicle (IPVA - Property tax - and DPVAT - mandatory insurance).
Then you should go to a Detran (the brazilian DMV) pay a few taxes and wait a few days to receive the new CRV (the bikes title to eventually transfer the bike to a new owner but you don't need to carry with you all the time) and CRLV (the document you need to carry all the time with you).
As far as I know if you have the bike in your name and is fully paid (no leasing or bank financing) you probably will have no problems to leave the country with you bike.
Now regarding the best place to buy your bike. It depends the kind of bike you are looking for. For small displacement bikes (125 and 250cc) you can find pretty much anywhere in Brazil, for bigger bikes Sao Paulo will offer you a lot more options. You can check the bike prices in sites like Mercado Livre (the brazilian ebay), OLX (the brazilian craigslit),, Webmotors, iMotos, and various local websites for car and bike sales. What kind of bike are you looking for?