Originally Posted by Fantastic Mister Fox
sound really good as a dislexique I find it difficult to read certain writing styles. For example I have read Jupiters Travels and really struggled with it (although a fantastic read). I imagine the audio book is narrated by Sam himself it will be really good because as presenter and story teller he is one of the best I have seen.
I 've yet to try any of Sam's books(fantastic mrs fox is currently saling through them on her kindle)books but it is good to know that audio books are available.
Hi you two. Mark, many thanks for picking up on this and posting the news. Cheers .
Fantastic Mister Fox. Good to hear from you and great that you like the sound of it. I've several friends who suffer from dyslexia and they have been giving me constant nudges. I hope you'll find it ok. Narrated by me? Absolutely. We did a test run on youtube last year to see what the feedback would be and thankfully it was good stuff. The studio had the final say of course! I'm hugely honoured by your comments by the way. Cheers!!! I hope the kindle versions are going down well in 'other quarters'
If you check out the link Mark posted, you'll find a link through to the first chapter of Into Africa. Hope you like. Better scoot. I'm off to the Adventure Travel Film festival first thing tomorrow - time to pack the bike so I can get away early. Cheers for now,