selling in Santiago...
Originally Posted by mika
I would suggest you buy something used for not more than 4000 to 5000 USD in the US, than sell it in BsAs for 2500 to 3000 USD. The newer and more expensive the bike is, the harder is it to sell it here in South America.
Hola Mika, que tal? That was good information. I am no stranger to international adventure touring, and I visited SA a long time ago. I plan to come again next year and ride Columbia to Ushuaia over 4months.
I am thinking to buy a bike now in the US, ride it a little, and then ship it to Columbia (i want to ride there but so expensive on the Stahlratte from Panama to Columbia!). My first question is what is easiest to sell in Santiago or parts of Chile? I know you are in Bolivia, but maybe you have advice.
I will spend maximum 4500usd, but prefer less. I don't love japanese bikes like DR650 or KLR.
I am looking at a BMW 650x challenge which I used to own. It has a very reliable rotax engine and is super light! Also it's only 3000usd, but already has 26000miles. OR the same engine is in a Husqvarna Terra 650, and almost new with 3000miles, but 4500usd. What will sell better?? Maybe the bike that costs the next owner less to buy even tho higher mileage?
This is my dilemma as I do not want to ship from SA, just leave for another person. Tourists have more money to buy, but not sure about Chileanos?
Thanks in advance
p.s. i will definitely come to Bolivia!
Last edited by octopusenvy; 27 Mar 2016 at 11:40.
Reason: name wrong