Hello everyone,
On may 2010 I started my particular journey around the world. I succesfuly completed it two years later. I'm very lucky and proud to have transformed my dream into a full-time job, and currently I am
in the middle of my third large trip, sponsored by a large insurance company. (links and everyting are in Spanish, sorry about that)
I'm currently in Kathmandu. I met a couple of fellow bikers in town, concerned about the first big jump one must do when doing a RTW trip, shipping the bike from KTM to BKK to avoid Burma and Tibet's gap. Well, I have to say
worry not! Shipping is boring, yes, but easy.
I used Suraj's services at Eagle Export (NOT Eagle Eyes, notice the subtle difference). All I can say are good things about them. The procedure is fairly straightforward, but it will take you two full days, one for packing the bike in Kathmandu and the other to pick it up in Bangkok.
You need a center stand, and you will have to remove windshield, maybe the handlebar, for sure the front wheel. That's basically it. Your boxes will fit under the bike somewhere. The crate and everyting else is made on the spot, the same day you are shipping. Suraj will guide you to make the box as small as possible, every inch has an impact on the final price, so it's important to listen to their advice.
The bike gets tied up to the bottom crate. It's surounded by protective phoam. Once everything is packed and secured, they will start building the box around it. The bike was measured a couple of days before, but the final adjustments are made on the spot. It's important not to pay to transport air.
Although the bike has to be completely empty by law, you can sneak some fuel in the fuel tank. Ask Suraj about it, you may have to bribe the supervisor with a few liters of fuel. It's important to do this, so you can ride to the fuel station in Bangkok (around 3 km away, as far as I can remember, but you don't wanna do them walking with a petrol can) And there you go! Ready to embark.
In Bangkok the procedure is extremely straightforward, but you DO need a full day to get the bike out of the box. Do NOT listen to the fixers around the airport area, as soon as they smell a foreigner, they come all at the same time looking efficient and official, but they aren't needed at all. Buildings are numbered, and you will be informed on next step all the time.
Find bellow contact details.
Eagle Export
( Exactly Next to Kathmandu Guest House)
Chaksibari Marg,Thamel-29, Kathmandu, Nepal
eagleandsunnepal <<AATT>> gmail [[DDoTT] com
eagleexport98 <<AATT>>yahoo [[DDoTT] com
Eagle Export Cargo
Tel. +977 01 4701022
Cell. +977 9851 13 68 24, +977 9818 89 99 90, +977 9841325328 (Suraj)
Cell. +977 9841 93 83 37(Sara)
Skype: surajdhakal35