Shipments done by Travellers

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From THIS page, you can find details of shipments ALREADY MADE by travellers, both air and sea, so you can plan your own shipment.

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Shipment: From Sakaiminato, Japan to Vladivostok, Russian Federation - May, 2012

3/5 - Average
DBS Ferry

DBS Cruise Ferry Japan Co., Ltd 〒684-0034 Tottori, Sakaiminato-city, Shouwa-machi 9-23 TEL 0859-30-2332 FAX 0859-30-2313;


 At this time of the year (MAY) you have no choice. This is the only ferry leaving from Japan. If you can, wait until mid June, than you can leave via Hokkaidi, Sachalin. It's a lot cheaper and faster with customs and you can keep your motorcycles.

DBS Ferry

Procedure & Costs & Details & Infos
Direction: Japan via South Korea to Vladivostok

A    General steps
1.)    make a passenger reservation at DBS as soon as possible and send a copy of your passport. The ferry is filling up quickly.

2.)    get in contact with Mr. Akamine from Kamigumi regarding your motorcycle.
Send him copies of
-     your passport and
-     carnet (if you have one).
He will arrange an appointment with customs on the departure day.

3.)    get in contact with Yuri Melnikov in Vladivostok and send him copies / pictures of
-    passport and Russian visa
-    number plate
-    side view of your motorcycle
-    mc national registration & international one
-    drivers licence
-    insurance if you have already one (for Europeans the “Grüne Versicherungskarte” is   valid in Russia) otherwise Jury is arranging this for you.

B    Cost per bike and person:  12.05.2012

    Passenger fare:    27.600,- YEN in a 8-bed room
    Bike fare:              61.239,- YEN
    plus                      3.000,-  RUB for storage / unloading  in Vladivostok
                                 100,-  USD for Yuri
C    Details for Sakaiminato / Japan:

Get in contact with Tatiana from DBS ferry regarding your ticket via email or phone..
She will respond very quick,  is very helpful and nice and speaks Japanese, Russian and English.
You get a reservation number only.
Allowed luggage on board: 30 kg

Payment on the departure day 2 hrs before boarding and in cash only!!!

DBS Cruise Ferry Japan Co., Ltd
Tottori, Sakaiminato-city,
Shouwa-machi 9-23
TEL 0859-30-2332
FAX 0859-30-2313;


Then get in contact with Mr. Akamine from Kamiguni next to Tatiana.
He is responsible for loading the bikes.
He is arranging also an appointment with customs on the departure day.
It was 15:00 for us bikers.

Mr. Akamine
TEL 0859-45-8707
FAX 0859-45-7182

He never responded to emails. So best is to check via telephone again, if he received all your copies and about your appointment with customs. Loading is afterwards. He can speak English. (Just in case Tatiana from DBS Ferry can help with getting in contact with him regarding the information).

Payment on the departure day before customs and loading and in cash only!!!
We could pay everything in Yen, although some rates are quoted in USD.
Make sure you can pay everything in YEN


Invoice for bike:

Ocean freight:              600,- USD (ex-rate Y 80,72)       =       48.432,- Yen

Comission:                   10.000,- Yen                               =     10.000,- Yen

BAF                               10,- USD   (ex-rate Y 80,72)       =           807,- Yen

DOC Fee                      2.000,- Yen                                  =       2.000,- Yen

Total: 61.239,- YEN

After customs you can ride your bike on board and can help with fixing it. It’s worth watching the guys so you make sure, they don’t squeeze anything like your seat for e.g.

Take everything with you, you need. After loading you will have no access to your motorcycles until you receive them from the warehouse in Vladivostok. It will take a couple of days after arriving in Vlad!

You also have to give your motorcycle key to the reception on the ferry. They will pass it on to customs or the warehouse guys, who will unload the bikes. (We did not like the idea much, but had no choice).
Also cover your seat with eg a plastic bag and everything you do not like any writing on.
The warehouse people in Vladivostok will do some writing / marking on your bike.
(we saw that on a Japanese guys MC, who took the ferry and still has the writing on his mc seat)

Time table:

Saturday: 15:00    payment motorcycle transport, customs, loading
Saturday: 17:00    payment passenger ticket and boarding
Saturday 19:00    ferry departures Sakaiminato
Sunday 9:00        ferry arrival Donghae / South Korea  (same time as in Japan)

You have to leave the ferry and enter South Korea (no transit area)
You will face the same prodedure as at airport –luggage check, passport control, finger prints,so leave pocket knifes, etc on board.

you will also get a new boarding ferry ticket for the Donghae –Vladivostok part
make sure you got it before you go through passport and luggage control

Sunday: 12:00        boarding ferry again
Sunday: 14:00        ferry leaves Donghae / South Korea
Monday: 14:00    ferry arrives in Vladivostok / Russia - Russian time (+2 hrs to Japan)

Now we had to wait 1,5 hrs on board until Russian customs was ready! Then only 10 people could leave the ferry. The next until these have been finished and so on.
Customs and luggage control was easy going. Small rooms, everything squeezed in, dog patrol.

GPS coordinates in Sakaiminato / Japan:

Sakaiminato DBS International Ferry Terminal    N35 32.838 E133 15.173
& all procedures

Plant 5 Mega Super Market                      N35 31.185 E133 15.098
(very cheap & good for stocking up)

Sakaiminato Post Office                N35 32.317 E133 13.945

D    Details for Vladivostok / Russia

Get in contact with Yuri Melnikov and send him all necessary documents before, so he can start working on everything.

Links Ltd
Yuri Melnikov
89, Svetlanskaya str, suite 312
690078 Vladivostok, Russia

TEL +7 (423) 2220 887
FAX +7 (423) 2221 578
MOB +7 (902) 5243 447
Mail:  he had problems to receive our mail via gmx so try also

Yuri is absolutely reliable and worth his money and a very nice guy. He knows how to deal with customs and everything else.
He will call you or your hosts for all appointments at customs, warehouse, etc.

100,- USD is Jury’s charge for customs clearance, etc, plus
  50,- USD if you need insurance (without insurance you don’t get customs clearance)
           (Yuri is
3.000,- RUB for the port

Coordinates in Vladivostok:

Vladivostok ferry port:    N43 06.665 E131 52.986
Warehouse office:        N43 06.615 E131 52.915
Warehouse:            N43 06.594 E131 52.902
Customs house:        N43 05.802 E131 52.049
Yuri Melnikov’s office    N43 06.949 E131 54.298
Iron Tigers Bike Club        N43 09.836 E131 55.731
Iron Angels Bike Club    N43 08.754 E131 57.121


(This is only for the ambitious, who try to do the procedures on their own:
In the big building at the ferry port is the office hidden, where you have to pay the
port fees. With the payment receipt, you go to the warehouse office and then you can collect your vehicle with another receipt.
Before all that customs has to be done, which took until Wednesday evening with Yuri’s help)

 (During unloading procedure the harbour workers damaged one of the BMW. The driver had fortunately the right spare parts with him. They pay the damage straight away in any case, but if you have to wait for spare parts…..)

DBS Ferry facilities:

Free hot / cold drinking water on board
Restaurants  is serving buffets for a good price: get tickets at information counter
    Saturday: dinner: 800,- YEN for buffet (was good – more Korean style)
    Sunday: breakfast: 500,- YEN (can’t say anything about that)
dinner buffet: 700,- YEN( cheaper because YEN got stronger - can’t say anything about that)
    Monday: breakfast and lunch
Bar – drinks & food very expensive
Little convenient shop: sweets, drinks (expensive)
Some vending machines: drinks (some take only YEN others only WON)
Payment on ferry only in USD; WON or YEN (no RUB)

Male / Female showers have soap, shampoo, body rinse, hairdryer

Japanese spa with view to sea (soap, shampoo, body rinse, much better than the shower rooms!!!!!! You can feel the sea inside ;-)) )

Any kind of rooms:
a suite can be Japanese style with fridge, TV, Shower
economy can be Japanese style or with beds
we had 2nd class and ended up in a 8-bed room with a wash basin, no window. 4 beds on each side – 2 above the other 2 (bunks beds) – all with curtain and extra light. Room was spacious. For the same amount of money and class you can end up in the bigger compartments with less room and more people.
They also have big rooms for 40 to 80 people on Tatami – no private space.
Best is to clarify this with Tatiana before. We expected Tatami floors and ended up in the room

61239 YEN
180,- USD

Shipment: From Buenos Aires, Argentina to Sydney, Australia - May, 2012

5/5 - Excellent
Dakar Motos

Phone/Fax: 54-11-4730-0586 : - e-mail:
Carlos Tejedor 1379- Florida Vicente L


Thanks to Sandra from Dakar Motos, great service, straight forward. Make appointment with Sandra and she will organise everything else. Take bike to airport where there are very helpful and friendly people. Pack bike on pallet with the help of the workers, the bike will then be measured and wrapped for transport. catch the workers bus back to town for a few dollars. Next day go to the office in town, pay and your done. To easy.

Australia side is a different story. If you don't have a carnet and you are a Australian citizen you WILL NEED a re-import permit, do not attempt getting the bike in without one. is where you can apply for it. Do it well in time before shipping as it will take a while to get.
Once you in OZ get on to CT Freight on +61 2 8337 8888 or you will find information under
They are great and be able to help you avoiding storage coast's. It coast me another 577.15 A$ to get the bike out, including airport handling fees.
If you have a carnet it's easier and you can clear it yourself, just be patient. Good Luck

U$ 1500 + 577A$ airport & Custom fees

Shipment: From Santiago, Chile to Zurich, Switzerland - May, 2012

4/5 - Good
DYD Cargo SA

DYD Cargo S.A.
Av. Americo Vespucio Oriente
1309 OF 213 Pudahuel
Phone: +56 2 434 4520
Cell: +56 9 78456232

Julio Harboe

Julio speaks spanish and good english. You can contact him, he'll answer during workingdays in minutes! All necessiary information i gave him by email, we just set a date to meet at the cargo terminal at the airport. The bike was packed and all formalities done within 2 (yes two!) hours.
So you can arrive in Santiago just in time and you don't need to spend days running around sorting stuff out.

The bike arrived punctually and sound in Zurich, where I unpacked it and drove home.

Julio has a lot of experience in sending bikes wherever you want them to go and he is happy to meet motorcycletravellers as he used to ride too before he got married.


Shipment: From Auckland, New Zealand to Melbourne, Australia - May, 2012

5/5 - Excellent
DB Schenker

Dominic Koella
Fairs & Exhibitions Coordinator
Schenker (NZ) Limited
33 Richard Pearse Drive, Airport Oaks, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 2552 941
Fax: +64 9 2552 998
Sarah Luppino
Co-ordinator - VIC, SA & TAS
Sports / Fairs & Exhibitions / Arts / Defence / Hotel / Relocations / Special Events

Schenker Australia Pty Ltd
43 - 57 South Centre Road
Melbourne Airport VIC 3045
Phone +61 3 9344 9727, Fax +61 3 9310 4203
Mobile +61 403 240 433

Doninic Koella in Auckland/Sarah Luppino in Melbourne;

We're certainly not experts on shipping and we're told that the stretch of ocean from NZ to OZ is the most expensive stretch in the world. We shipped two bikes, a F650GS and a R1200GS. Our two bikes crated were 730 KG and 5.159 Cbm. The shipping rate was $70 per Cbm NZD.

DB Schenker handled everything for us including picking the bikes up at Experience BMW in Auckland where they were crated, clearing customs on both ends and clearing AQIS in Australia, although, AQIS didn't actually inspect our bikes.

We met with Dominic in New Zealand and we felt they had provided us with the best overview of all of the expenses we would incur and in fact they were very accurate. In addition, when we picked up the bikes in Australia they went out of the way and spent about an hour to help us reinforce the trailer we had borrowed with wood and straps that they had available.

I'm missing some paperwork, but, here is a breakdown of charges that I do have:

NZ Expenses in NZD:

Customs Clearance - Carnet: $165
Bill of Lading: $150
Shipping Line Doc Fee: $85
Carrier Security Fee: $45
Port Handling Fee: $95
Port Security Fee: $8.50
Dangerous Goods : $95

AUS Expenses in AUD:

Australian Port Charges: $283.75
Import Customs Clearance: $120
AQIS Lodgement Fee: $130
Delivery Order Fee: $60
Cartage Ex Port to Schenker Depot: $180


Shipment: From Djibouti, Djibouti to Durban, South Africa - April, 2012

4/5 - Good
Intraspeed South Africa
Pat Moodley

Shipped a 20ft container with our 4WD inside.

Used DAMCO in Djibouti which was a traumatic experience, however reliable companies are hide to find in a place like Djibouti so it's all relative. The french director was the only guy who really knew what was going on.

Cost breakdown:
-US$850 DAMCO Djibouti fees
-US$1650 Maersk shipping fees
-US$2000 Durban port fees/Agency fees/Storage fees

In retrospect Durban was a bad choice to ship to. Rather try Cape Town or Port Elizabeth where the storage fees are not as ridiculous as Durban. We got caught out with bad timing over the easter weekend and then discovered DAMCO had not released a 'hold' on the container. All this resulted in us overstaying our free time etc and probably cost us US$1000 more than it should have for storage.

Intraspeed in Durban were excellent in comparison, as long as you chase them up alot.



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